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Thank you:)
Lack of self control... Lack of respect for himself n otherz... Bad breath... N if his as* is bigger than mine... N mines pretty big so I hear:):):)
Love you more
Lol... His my Yellow bone babey... Lol,
Uhm.... How's that got anything to do with me??? Why wouldn't they be together still???
Whatz the Q??? Edgar n i aint together:( SO tht means what he does n who he does it with aint my problem nor business ne, and what ever negitive feelingz yuu have towardz Sam please do let ha know n not me LIKE REALLY... N 4 Pumla do da same... N to my understandin for yuuR last comment made bwt em, they not ****z, howd yuu feel if yuu saw ppl sayin yuuR a **** on Fb of all plces not cool!!! N Dont put schoolz in this please, not necessery!!!! And yuu would of seen on my last posts im okay with both of em
Uhm *scared* Thanx
Nxaaaa... I love yuu more MISHA:):)...<3<3<3
Lmfao... Datz kinda funny!!! When i havnt slept with him wow, Sja isn\'t a *ex object n his a trully good guy, n i trust dat boi with most thingz i dont trust most galz with... HIS MY BUDDY N NOT FOR *ex....
I hav a life... But yuu have a right too yuuR opn... But god didn't bring me down to earth too please yuu so thank yuu
:):)Smiling for dayz:):)
Thank yuu B, n ill smile for yuu often jus for yuu n every1 else i guess.... Thankx yuu jus made my night:):):)
*No comment*
Pumla n i talked our ish out like calm teens, and because we forgav echada, it was easier to talk to ha n try again with our friendship, coz i do really lov my gal no matta what happenz... N for Sam, we didn't talk our ish out but like we tryin one step at a time...
'friendship isn't somthing too rush coz if yuu do it myt jus get messed up'
Awww, thank yuu. Manzo my babey n no itz not for show!!!
Uhm*confused*, My life has upz n downz but itz very good thanx:):)
Recently brke up with my boi.f so im rollin SOLO AGAIN:):):):)
Romance n da real thing, but ryt now im not lookin for *ex jus some fun n abit of romance... FINGER F**KIN isn\'t as awsome, i imagin
Awww, Liu-Lu b MiSSing SkIpPy m0re<3<3... When my brother coming home?? Lov you bro
I havnt really found the true meaning yet bt for nw itz 'Hip hop':)
Thanx jus realy open n trust easily:(:( guess i trust the wrong ppl:(:(
Lov yuu 2
Nah y!
n0t in a dating way but he my boi....:):) nd i lov hym to bits man... He part of my fam in away
Well look my mam wanted me to go to Uplandx but i choice Penryn for many reasons i cant say ryt now, and i do like some ppl there cant really like all the ppl(sorry), and commentin on my previous q, not all the guyx are bad n wateva but i jus dont c all as datin mtrial at this point:( idk y but yeah!!! Penryn rockx n im totally inlov wit da skwl:)
Uhm, i just feel like they n0t at the same level as i am nd the 1who is or was is just a dush bag...
Losing my m0mmy
I think ive over dated my x'z to much, but if i could date one guy again he knws who he is...
Finishng my photographyz crse, living alne nd driving a fancy sprt car... Nd being happy
At this very moment of mylife, im not datin as such, and im ot flingin, im jus havin fun....
Lol, uhm that nyt was jus dancin mainly, hehehe n no yuu wont b holdin candles, and hehehehe my lov n like goes to 1 guy n sadly he not in Mp, n Mick n i jus schoolmates
Duncan n i jus friendz like i love all my friendz i lov hime jus like dat
Lol, #No comment*
Lol, no we didn't and even if we did howx that any of yuuR business????
Yea, itx my nickname, n i lov it=)
Lol, That will never happen, lol! N if it did, id say NO reason being him n i hurt each other in bad as* wayx n il jus like to jus b friendx with him no beggie in thatbut datin no wayx
Wow, honestly i grew to love Cbu more, and i was totally commited to him, though i had temptionx i controled myself best that i could!!!
LoL I don't know...
honestly yes... But life wouldnt b worth living without them honestly speaking...
Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj *id go les 4 ha:P*, nd Flippo 4rm Jerseyliouse
Munya... Lmao, wateva dawg jus gna leave u... U mus l2 me when we talk n i say IM ABSTAINING frm *ex
Thank u very mch
Tel me how he feels
What was the last q
Lol, toi personal man
Sorry tharz bit too personal can't answer that lv
Was called BEAUTIFUL by the guy I lyked
Lmao, im abstaining frm *ex til im dne with skwl....(*.*)
Im n0t datng ani1 jus being faithful to da guz i lyk ryt nw...
Wow... N0, becz im alwayz buzi with my bf problemz... Nd my friendz men m0st of em r my frwndz 2 so i dnt realy "nabela" frwndz
Wel i dnt realy hav such becz i n0rmaly jus act on what im feelng at da tym i NEVA 2ND GUESS MYSELF OR THNK BCK ON WAT I COULDV DNE...**
Well yes, i do lyk the attention! But n0t frm alot of ppl jus my family... Mainly
Lmao, mayb
Lmao., aint yuu jus to smart but my answer shouldv let yuu kn0w but il jus say it again... Yes, itz true im nt a virgin sadly
Lmao, uhm, hahaha! *blushng* cz iv got my aunti n uncle on fb ima say n0, Lmao... Bt im sure ul get da answer
Ohk... Whose that mmmh???
Mmmmmmh, thought realy hard bt i dnt knw who yuu r mmmmh, but im sure i myt of flipped at yuu cz of smthng that myt of happend... But i n0rmaly dnt bother myself with ppl who dnt talk to me...
Wow, thrz been alot but the one that i can say frm da top my head, is dat i was pregn...
Wel thatz abit personal inbox me nd il let yuu knw...:)
Bubbly, Shy, Caring