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Rosa-Lee Masina


..If yuu eva wantd to ask me ANYTHIN n want an honest answer 4rm me, ths da tym to do it n0w... Dnt hold back(*.*)

59 Replies

hey bby gal just wanted to tell you that umuhle futhi nawe uyakwazi loko

Thank you:)

...Lulz... replied 4668 days ago

Whats the one thing that turns you off with a guy?

Lack of self control... Lack of respect for himself n otherz... Bad breath... N if his as* is bigger than mine... N mines pretty big so I hear:):):)

...Lulz... replied 4905 days ago

I LOVE you so much babe

Love you more

...Lulz... replied 4905 days ago

What's up with you and Josh???

Lol... His my Yellow bone babey... Lol,

...Lulz... replied 4905 days ago

Ar Phumla & Skippie still 2getha. Tell thm I say they deserv each othr. Thy both gud at *****n around

Uhm.... How's that got anything to do with me??? Why wouldn't they be together still???

...Lulz... replied 4912 days ago

I think what Sam did with Edgar was really disgusting and she shld beg for, forgivness if she wants to be your friend like what kind of sick hoe does such, do you honestly wnt to b that things friend n Pumla's better hayi No! These dam Penryn ****s.

Whatz the Q??? Edgar n i aint together:( SO tht means what he does n who he does it with aint my problem nor business ne, and what ever negitive feelingz yuu have towardz Sam please do let ha know n not me LIKE REALLY... N 4 Pumla do da same... N to my understandin for yuuR last comment made bwt em, they not ****z, howd yuu feel if yuu saw ppl sayin yuuR a **** on Fb of all plces not cool!!! N Dont put schoolz in this please, not necessery!!!! And yuu would of seen on my last posts im okay with both of em

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

Lulu i really love your body, itz so ****able tjo wow!

Uhm *scared* Thanx

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

.... MisHa loVes U .... Do U loVe her =))) <3 <3 <3

Nxaaaa... I love yuu more MISHA:):)...<3<3<3

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

Did u become friends with sja just becos u wnted to sleep with him?

Lmfao... Datz kinda funny!!! When i havnt slept with him wow, Sja isn\'t a *ex object n his a trully good guy, n i trust dat boi with most thingz i dont trust most galz with... HIS MY BUDDY N NOT FOR *ex....

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

Why the hell are u such a hoe,its actually disgustin.... U are a back stabbing *****.... Get a life and do us all a favour

I hav a life... But yuu have a right too yuuR opn... But god didn't bring me down to earth too please yuu so thank yuu

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

I like you, think yous a really ..okay chick. Jus don lyk hw u chnge lyk the frigin weather tho :O...sort dat out n alota pple in Penryn myt actuali lyk u :)*
-u cn attack me if u wana- Smile :)* ure. Preti wen ure smiling.

:):)Smiling for dayz:):)

Thank yuu B, n ill smile for yuu often jus for yuu n every1 else i guess.... Thankx yuu jus made my night:):):)

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

How do you feel about Sam n Edgar having *ex???

*No comment*

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

Howcome Pumla and you are so close now adays but you not tring with Sam whats up with that?

Pumla n i talked our ish out like calm teens, and because we forgav echada, it was easier to talk to ha n try again with our friendship, coz i do really lov my gal no matta what happenz... N for Sam, we didn't talk our ish out but like we tryin one step at a time...

'friendship isn't somthing too rush coz if yuu do it myt jus get messed up'

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

Are you and Manzo really dating or is it just for facebook an act cause you two are jus too fine together

Awww, thank yuu. Manzo my babey n no itz not for show!!!

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago

hw do fyn lyf nw a days

Uhm*confused*, My life has upz n downz but itz very good thanx:):)

...Lulz... replied 4918 days ago