Is your year going great ?
F.uck no
What do you hate about yourself ?
Nothing cause i'm glitter af
Wanna root?
Nah i'm good thanks
As if you forgave hayden for sleeping with holly
We weren't together, and i got over it, theres no point acting like i cared when i just wanted to forget it happened
Why don't you wear makeup anymore?
Cbf anymore, i'd rather sleep the extra 20 minutes
You and hayden are cute as!
Thanks bae
Cool how you dogged kelsey
Cool how you don't know ****
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Chicken nuggets
Do you miss talking to anyone?
He said he is sorry
Jordan i know it's you.
Ur really pretty and gorgeous and idk if u hate me or not it seems it
Message me and find out :)
Do u know Jordan lord what are ur thoughts on him ☺
I know of him, haven't spoken to him in ages but last time i did he seemed arrogant
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
Year 12 ✌️
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
are you and sharpdog still friends or nah
Yeah of course :)
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
You have a nice b*m
Thank you, so do you
You're a *****
Takes one to know one :)
You sleep around with so many guys, its disgusting, you always have guys staying at your place doing who knows what and you flirt with everyone!!
Hahahahahahahah, this is perfect. I've had 1 guy in the last 6 months stay over and they've only slept here twice. Flirting doesn't make you a **** it makes you a flirt and it's not an intentional thing its just part of my personality and in response to the first and best part, I haven't slept with anyone which by definition, would mean i can't be called a ****, but for all the girls you feel obligated to insult when they actually have slept with a few guys, i want to know what gives you the right to label them a ****? Keep your filthy comments to yourself and worry about your own pathetic life.
You're actually gorgeous
You're actually lovely
You need to pull you're head in you're turning into a ****
Ha lol give me valid evidence as to how and why you think that and then i'll allow you to call me a ****
Are you and braden still friends?
Of course we are? No reason we wouldn't be! :)
What happened with you and braden?
Nothing? Haha
Like any guys from work??
I'm lesbian
Courtney is beautiful
Looks wise for sure
Brayden has told me you really liked him but he doesn't want a relationship with you cuz you **** as* personally
**** as* personally...
Do you squat?
Nah do you?
Is it true you want to fight courtney russell?
I don't like her but not to the point of wanting to fight her hahahah
I would happily sit on a beach with you on new years
I dont know who you are :/
You are a supportive friend, well done.
Who is bae
Whoever is willing to sit on a beach with me on new years
How do you want to end 2014 ?
On the beach with bae
saw you and some dude at the movies last night
That makes sense cause i was at the movies with some dude
Can I make it mine?
Is your name channing tatum?
Why can't I grab it?
Because you shouldnt touch what isnt yours
Damn.. I wanna grab it now ;) hope you don't mind xx
I do, so please dont.
Are you and brayden getting in
What would you do if I grabbed your as*?
Turn around and grab yours
At what age do you want to get married ?
Dont wanna get married
Whell katut baybeh I can cook uhp sum *exii peanut buther nutella pizza make ya look lyk magna shabinzki ain't nothin buther hum yeah exhohexhoh :P <3luvhart<3 Jessy96
Ryamaha wud u dew dat 4 mii? Coz lyk if u kan eye wil luv u 5eva u kno?
that must have s*cked
A little but were still friends so im not bothered by it too much
what happened between u and jack, you looked so happy with him xx
I was, but we just stopped talking over the holidays
Wen eye look aht huh it lyk a peanut butter pizza inn mii belly berry niooce with extra whip cream back in vietnam yesh lyk da shun riiiose Jessy96
Dat sunds sew delishosh nd now eye went 2 eet sum
Katut baby yuh lyk a sunrise on da clowdy dai ex oh ex oh Jessy96
Ryamaha you charmer xoxox
Not Rhonda... ryamaha<<<< see what I did there? Jessy96
As Once said on mean girls - "you've truely out-gayed yourself
thought you had a recent one sorry
I swear you had a boyfriend a few months ago
My last boyfriend was in may
do you ever wonder whether you could be making someone upset?
who are the 3
Im not posting it on here
who do you like be honest
At the moment im not sure because there's like 3 people but i like how things are at the moment so im trying to push any feelings back :)
Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
It depends on who's cooking dinner
If that's real then thats funny
Whats even funnier is how stupid you'd have to believe we are
are u and Elijah getting in ;)
Yesssss <3
you looked hot last night, you hook up with anyone? ;)
Thanks haha and I might of ;)
who are you dating?
but u said you love lee
I do love lee, I don't have be going out with him to love him, ily lee
are you going out with lee
I don't actually like him, gosh
haha peps me and jaz are in the bro code, we besties
and "lee, so back off" guy, um you can have her ya spud lol
hey jaz Leecarnes
Lee the "guy" meant it- (gender unknown) likes you, and hey lee
that's not what the goss at st pats is
St pats gossip is made up by dumb as* *****es who have nothing better to do with their lives, so it's probably best you don't listen to it
You love lee or the guy at your school
no, he likes me better
Don't you like someone at your school anyway?
I love him so leave
Lee, so back off
Lee likes me better so no
What do you think about the most?
Baes b**ty
Do you like anyone?
I don't know, do you?
Maybe I will tomorrow :) thank you jaz <3 goodnight
Or you could do it now
Last person to touch your as*?
I have no idea, who was the last to touch yours?
are you single;)))))))
You one of my friends and I wanna get to know you more and chill with you more but I'm afraid of rejection :/
I won't reject you, just message me :)
Do you dislike her?
Same as the relationship, I don't have any thoughts on her
George and his gf wat are ur thoughts
Their relationship doesn't interest me enough to have any thoughts
Are you jealous of George?
Do you hate them? Hahahah I would..
Why would I be jealous of George?
Who is 'them'?
And why you would you?
you and him are cute together
Yeah lee's my one and only
Lee Carnes* and what about him?
I like you a lot
I like you too anon
your beautiful
Thankyou :)
Thanks for not answering that long as* question about you and jack cuhnt
Haven't been on here to answer it darl, and because of your rude language and lack of patience, you can shove the question right up your as*!! xx
do u want to be a thing with him
It's not really any of your buisness
What have you lied about lately ?
Liking the dinner mum cooked the other night
are u and him a thing or are u kidding
I'm not kidding but I don't know if were a thing or not
Because he treats me so well and I don't return the favour
are u saying youre to good for him or hes to good for u
He's too good
why dont u deserve him
Because I don't
he doesnt deserve u
No actually I don't deserve him
jack needs to back off you
does that s*ck tht boys dont give you attention
It doesn't really bother me in all honesty
as if its only him that gives you attention your hot as
Hahahaha nah it's only him
You've changed I used to admire you so much, you used to be someone I could count on, rely on, turn to when I needed help the most. I can't believe you have changed so much. I used to see you as my best friend now you're a stranger.
Everyone changes, but sometimes it's more obvious in others. I personally don't think I've changed and I know a lot of people that will agree with me, but even if I have, I feel it was for the best because I like myself more now than what I did a year, 6 months or even 3 months ago. If you saw me as a best friend then message me now so we can stay that way, but if you're willing to lose a friendship over something as stupid as change and not put in the effort to try and save it, then I don't want you as a friend anyway
Damn better tell the boys your taken now
I don't get attention from other boys so I wouldn't waste your breathe