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Shannon Krause


ask me anything you like::

187 Replies

Hey Best* ,, I Love u gang Amounts ♡ Stay Ama-Zing bec u are !! ♡ Missing Yew..

Hey best* ♡ miss && love you crazy amounts too ♡

.ShannoN replied 3951 days ago

Who are you dating or having a thing with?

Well im dating cody...

.ShannoN replied 3965 days ago

Who's your closest guy friends?

Well my bestiieeee timothy uhm k.k && i guess heinrich

.ShannoN replied 3966 days ago

Bbm pin;)?


.ShannoN replied 3968 days ago


Uhm well its kinda hard to say because when people ask me for a second chance && i give it too them they jus los me like im a piece of **** so you know what .... I dont have a answEr for you .. But if you dont mind please ping me on bbm :)

.ShannoN replied 3982 days ago

Why do you keep going back to these guys that hurt you like this?

Cause i fall for the wrong guys thinking they going to change ...

.ShannoN replied 3983 days ago

Who's this boy you keep putting all your status's about?

No one , they either qotes or songs haha

.ShannoN replied 3983 days ago

Miss u k,,*

You too ..... Wait who's this??

.ShannoN replied 3984 days ago

Ok tha 1st 1 wasn't me I just saw a chance

Saw a chance for what??*

.ShannoN replied 3988 days ago

What if I offered u money to **** u R100?

Ok first of all im not a ****ing prostitute ok so dont offer me money for *ex its not right, what the hell you seriously sick in your head thinking ill be fine seling my body like that!! im sorry but thats not me && im not like that so why dont you take that money to a prostitute on the side of the road maybe she will help you ... Just lettin' you know ill NEVER be able too look at you the same ever again , so dont even bother greeting me cause im seriously just going to ignore you , kay hows that sound for a deal? Sweet :) P.S- next time you wana send someone an anonomous message make sure it doesnt say include user info kay;) sick enjoy the rest of your life...

.ShannoN replied 3989 days ago

You are the *exiest ***** I have ever seen in my life and hoping we can know ;). I won't disapoint

Ping me Please then we can talk ..:)

.ShannoN replied 3989 days ago

You're beautiful Shan xx :) ♡ Nikki.J.H

Thanks nikky ♡ so are you angel ♥ much love <3

.ShannoN replied 3990 days ago

Wanna bang ;;)

Who's this??*

.ShannoN replied 3990 days ago

Hey shanz miss u gang ey :( u knw frm who

I think so ,, if this is from who i think it is i miss you too <3

.ShannoN replied 3991 days ago

I wana **** you so badly

Ping me on bbm please ...

.ShannoN replied 3993 days ago