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Nooo haha y are u
plex...frm around th corner
y thank u
k but really duno what u talking about
no i dont
u can ask me anything but anonamously so i dont no wu it is
Are yOu a Man oR a wOmaN...
CoZ I'm a maN aNd I'm LooKinG foR girLs (( wOmaN ))...
I'd sAy sHe muSt b aMaZinG ,, ### se*y ,, cuTe ,, peRsOnaLity 110 % hiGh...
SHe mUsT b JusT pLaiN heR !!
I'm a wOmaN's maN...
LoL & ii LiKe TheM sPiCy ...
ACtuaLly I don't uNdeRstaNd yOuR QuesTiOn...
BeCaUse iN bOTh tHe siTuaTioNs iT dePeNds oN fEeLiNgs..
The FeeLiNgs yOu eXpLoRe @ tHe sPeciFiC mOmeNt...
Its BoB
Its kiNda cOmpLiCaTed...
CoNfusiNg 2 saY tHa LeaSt...
ThiNk we LiViNg iN DiFfeRenT woRLds...
How's yOuRs ??
ARe yOooU seRiOuSLy aSkiNg me ThaT...
I gUeSs iT dePeNds ??
ANnyNoMouS ... ---
ThaNxx...can't saY dA saMe aBouT yOu tHOUGh cOz ii don't kNow wHaT u LooK Like