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Nick Weidemann


Ask me anything you like anonymously

76 Replies

NICKKKKKK! The best advice giver like ever ;) your the best freak! Missing seeing tour face walking around school, these exams are killing. No jokes. Xx ;)

I know who you are ;) :* haha x

13nickw2 replied 4250 days ago

N- naughty x_x
I- intelligent
C-cute as hell
K- kind
Z- zdbveshzvjsvd (it means yuu mean the world to me in some crazy language) ;;)

Love yuu :*

B- Beautiful ofcourse :*
R- Ridiculously AWESOME!! :|
O- Obviously the Sweetest :$
O- On top of all that she's smart ;;) x
K- Kind, Always making me smile yo! :$
E- Eleven out of ten for se*iness!!! :D
L- Love You :*
Z- Zjhdhshsuhd (The same language... Except this time it means... You mean the UNIVERSE to me :* )

13nickw2 replied 4604 days ago 1

Hump Monkey :D You'll never guess who this is ;) :| 3-| Mmmmkay :D Keep it in your pants :| ;) Mmmkay! :| =)) Uhmm... °̩ needed to tell you something serious... It was... HI! :D Okay ;;) Bye Now ;;) xx

Hahahahahahaha Jessica /:) :| xx hahahahahahaha I always do ! ;) :D hahaha BYE!! ;)

13nickw2 replied 4604 days ago 1

Pickelz x_x ♡ I love yuu so much ♡forever and always ♡

Oh miii Gosh Brookelz ? ? ! I cannot tell you how you made me smile !! :*xx MADE MY ENTIRE NIGHT! :* xx ?
I Love You Too shexy ;;) xx ? ? and I miss you WAY too much :C x plans soon? <3 x

13nickw2 replied 4604 days ago

Shhiit nigga, most conflict and stuff happening I've ever seen on one qoohme page.
Some people gotta chill, ironic I guess X_X haha =))

I know :| LOL :P hahahahahaha who is this lol!? :P

13nickw2 replied 4604 days ago

Dude u are a Bit** nigga! Love u bro (no homo)

Hahaha Love you too! (No Homo ) !

13nickw2 replied 4604 days ago

Why is Robz hating your guts so hard bra!!! Hahaha Bit**es gonna be Bit**ing

Hahaha naah she's not dude! :P she is probably just upset with all the complications! Shame man! :P

13nickw2 replied 4605 days ago

Hey i saw you with tatum are you guys dating

Where did you see us ? /:) no we just friends

13nickw2 replied 4605 days ago

Some of these people need to Lay Low on the haterade :| MY WORD :| Shame, Poor Nick, getting crapped on ;;) Don't worry, I'm still here ;;) and °̩'ll never crap on you :D just hit you with a big as* bat ;;) ;) Mmmmkay ;;) Frooom.... ME :D ;;) xxx

Jesssiiiieeee??? ;;) xx could it beee?? ;;) x nooo well so many people are being nice so its fine ;) XD
Miss YOU tons JESSSIIEEE!!! :Dxx see you friday I hope :P unlesss I sleep over at cas*iiieees house:) xx but ill still try ;) x

13nickw2 replied 4610 days ago 1


Pahahaha XD PuhMmmmmpKIN :|

13nickw2 replied 4616 days ago

Уσυ are such an as* hole чεω hurt my best friend and чεω didn't care 1 bit if чεω did чεω wouldn't of hurt her like that she cried for days over чεω :| ┌П┐​

Ah you know I told you not to think I was an as*hole.... Robyn. I DID care!? I told you ALL the reasons why I had to and you STILL think I'm a total Dic*!?
And I know its you because you forget that when you have auto text.. When you spell 'Yew' it edits it.. So I KNOW when Its you..

13nickw2 replied 4617 days ago

Sluuuuuuuuuut ;;) ;;) MASH :D 'X-box' ;) =))

Ahahahahahahaha JESSIIIE ;) ;;) xxx I am NOT a slu* XD as* hole :| xx

13nickw2 replied 4619 days ago 1

Aww cute ;;) ₩hat changed between чεω guys ?

Well the thing is my life is pretty complicated at the moment haha :) its not so easy getting over people as you would think X_X and its just that I didn't feel like we wouldve worked:) I tried but it just didn't feel right :P haha :)

13nickw2 replied 4619 days ago

ƗƗey nick °̩ just wanted to ask чεω have чεω liked any 1 since your ex ??

Yeah I guess I had feelings for a girl named Robyn for a while :)

13nickw2 replied 4619 days ago

Wash your winky!!!

Ahhhh TIFF!!! ;) BAY-BOON!!! :D heeehee =)) don't trust horses... They have eyes and sneaky feet! =)) xx

13nickw2 replied 4619 days ago