HeYyZz* :p
Н℮ωн℮ω stay amazingq,k'iies :d
Liefies jou vreeslik baie ,,* anuschke6
Hey jy hehehe awww danki stay cute lov you so much neh :P!!!!!*
Jys di ®ede agte® my GliMlaG^ MOeT nooiT verndeR ni :D
Hey jy awww danki bja :p en ek sali ;;) *
Hay hay m'ii *exy maaiQ,k'ii
Luvies you loatz ,,
Stay amazing newh,,*:p anuschke6
Hey myse beautiful :p danki hehe lovies you too stay cute neh ;;) !!!!*
Heyy * .. Jy bly awesome .. Jy n very good person neh *
Hey jy danki hehe stay. Awesome neh *
Hey boeta. Really enjoyed kicking ur as* at school to day lol. Grappie
Hey boeta !!!! Haha you wish :p we will see tomorrow neh ;)
Heyy jj * ek wilet se eks jmr as ekke n slegte vriendin is ...maar ek is liefe juww n jy mut altyd hiri mensiii bly wat j is ♡ love yuu ....*riri* ✗
Hey jy ** jy isi n slegte vriendin ni lief jou ook :p bly oulik neh *
Hey boeta just text to say stay awesome don't change no matter how hard life gets there is always light at the end of tunnle
Hey boeta thank you so much stay awesome I'll always be there for you !!!*
☺Hii*☺ jy :p
Howii jhy's vwrek ouwlik:p
Hii jy danki hehehe stay cute ;;) !!!!*
Hey my *exy boeta'Qiii just wana pop up and say lovies u lot boeta'Qii and thax 4 always being there when I need u al kan j my so kwaad maak mar still lovies u hey lol:p;)({}) Meganbadgirl
Hey sussaQ thanks hehe lovies you too neh danki vir als en ek like dit om jou kwaad te maak LOL dis soo snaaks hehehe !!!!*
Hello werner'Qii ! Horii ekS rrg lief vijw ...jy moet diit net onthoU ,,, jy is een amaziinG ou'Qii ! :)
Hey awww danki bly so oulik neh ;;) lovies you too :p *
Jyy hoef nie te weet wie ekka isi
Hkm ni jng*
Eks lief vir jou werner ma jyt m nog nooit raak gesien nie ..</3
Hey jy ek is jammer wie is jy ping my op bbm asb :) *
Heyy jou *exy as* ou'Qii ! Xx * thankS for beiinG one amaziinG guy.....staY awesome ;)...# xx I just wanna say I really really liike u and I want to be yourS ... :(* # haVe one amaziinG night ......
Jou blixempii ! X
Hey ;) thanks you are amazing stay cute ;;) have one awesome night :p * ping me on bbm. Please :p *
Hkm steek jy altyd vimy tong yt hmmm :p jy wet seker wi ek is :) !?*
Hehe jaw ek doen en ek like dit dis hkm:p ***
Wie is die beste meisie wat jy al gehaat het
Hkm wil jy weet heheh!!!*
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Wat gan jy doen as jy kla is met skool
Ek gaan klaar gaan leer :)!!!*
Wat doen jy as jy ni by die skool is ni
Kuier ;) ***
Ey tjom stay awesome :p Darrell86
Thanks buddy sal so maak jy ook neh.#...
Just wana know who y like ..
Ooh okay cool!!!!*
Why do u treat people so badly .. They try and be nice then u just brush it off .. You really hurt myy feelings
Who are you and I don't treat people badly!!!!*
NeH Naudé jy Seun moEt biki SmilE eN niE so DrOOg wEEs hooR :D bye bye ;)
Dis net jy daai kotzeeQ dis reg sal soo maak hehhe;)*
Why are you short off with only some people. If you were friendlier maybe you'll get to know more people and better
Who are you?? I'll tell you on bbm ping me***
Who do y like ?
Hehehe why do you wanna know :p *
Who was your childhood best friend?