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Did you know that I miss you more?:(,it's really deep sweety
Awwww okay cool! Just inbox me and we'll work on it
I can't love a girl to the point of dating her! Lol
Yes it is! That's why I have a boyfriend. I like brainy peolpe
Hmmmm okay sorry
She stole the boyfriend! But I helped,Lol
Mutemwa Mfune! She's never given up on me....
But Namzya,Mwansa and Chasue too
Well liking in the sense of dating me yes!
But as a friend it's fine
Very normal! *ex isn\'t everything
Virgin power,virgin pride!!
So I don't have one
Well yes I am
What you heard
I like the word *exy....
rnBut what do you think?
I've had quite a number but when I fell in front of a guy I liked it was EMBARRASING
Hmmmm get a tatoo and belly piercing
Lol uhmmm it could have been better
I know am pretty