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Am as old as u think i am ,seriously u guess is ryt
well am dreaming
well amakwana 4
yeah onse if am correct zimakwana 7 if not 6
yah man ,well they total up to 6
lets c ,kodi shud i include girls who proposed to me oso?
hmmn ndaiwala
u mean inlove with fay? Njema! I jus liked ha ,fullstop
well umm ,eeh umm hmm eh funso lovuta limeneli bwanji, well our friendship jus ended
yeah! Manytymz Infact this last week i was inluv ,until
nigga chills in the atmosphere!!
thanx man ozone takuziwani
o i can say z ,just dont let me catch u am serious!!...
Man ozone ndakuzwani
wel frankly i get em laid with that
i try to be as nice and funy as i cood be
hehehe wel i put
myself on 6 ,kma
zimatengela with
the chick
smtyms i thnk ndimafika 9!.lol
Many! Times! Like u ofcorz
hehehe wel i put myself on 6 ,kma zimatengela with the chick ndikufewesayo smtyms i thnk ndimafika 9!
what do i luk like to u? A 40yr old?...then yes i am married got 7kids actualy its 12kids the other five from my ex wife...any questnz?lmao
kma seriously what wud u gain if u knew that detail?
wel i like this questn ,who r u?...umm wel i thnk my short temper for starterz
yes i do believ in luv ,even tho smetimez am given reason not to
hmm taima ndiwerenge, i thnk awiri
well thats a lie fo sho
i dont get ur question
nope thats a lie
am as old as u are ,only a year older
hehe kma how manytimez?
aah axse ive killed equinox like 3timez!,nde y reapet fate? And besidez andipha apapatu,i aint in no mood to do battlez....
equinox ive battled him for quite smetym nw,unless he collz me out ,then amaget nt him
well usualy i wud say kamrad ,bt i wud go for silvatongue ,kapena viceroy
1st of all Cervantes ,phagocyte,tilla wordsmith!,silvatongue!rayfane,ess el,rodger,mcloy,harry skillz eh alipo axse kagulutu!
yes i am
i tod ya i have no idea
i have no idea
when i get a blackbery
well sadly and quite frankly ,even tho its not my intention or willingness,..i am am lukng 4 the exit door ry nw
oky i thhk i know this 1 ,GD
well mahopu nde ndilinao,kma i cant mention ryt here ,ndimazayamba kukhwatchisa kwa ma hopu ena
i wish i did ,bt i dont
that am a playa which i aint..
apparently am workng on it ,so no 1
i am waxxy