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Wel... Ive g0t a lot of b.f.fz nd i lurv EM alL...nabo they kn0w it. . . . Bt therz ths 1 she was my firSt b.f.f nd stil is. . . HINT: Weve kn0wn oda fr 6 year n0w! :]
No n0 NO N0OO.... Hez jst my fwend a good fwend kuphela!! And yes i lve hm as a fwend! ONLY!
Hahahhahaha weElLl....'SKHARI' is 1. Interesting 2. Funny 3. My new fwend.....! Hapy? :]
lEtz n0t go ther. . . Tehehe :]
Lmfao... It faDeD I gues nd besydz i wana 4GET bwt that
Hahahahaha +stresS+ THA siGning up gve me a pRoblem so yea i endEd up usin my numbr. . Bt dnt wory the numbr m usin is my old oNe i go a new number
i Dont fukn drink ewu
I dont smoke. . .
why d0 u ask?
Sorry im datin s0meone.....
Hehehe thanx luV u2
1st id get hIgHLY ofEndEd then id confroNt then forgve hm then wen he thnks we cool again i break up wit hIM. . . . :]
Hehehe ;]
pEople that are seriusly c0nfuseD and bord wit lyf:]
n0thn that i know ofF
d0nt wory. . . ;]
my room