Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I have already said That I am between the ages of 14 - 17.
So please Mr/Mrs Weirdo.. Enough already!
I am sorry... I do not want to give this information out.
No, I am the Easter Bunny
I am sorry but I actually live in Cape Town
I live in South Africa... I dont want to give my city/province/town out
I believe That I have answered that question
S. W
Sky Walker :)
Aww. ... Thanks I am sure you are too ;)
I am soo soo sorry... I can't give that info out.... Lets just say between 14 & 17
If you are going to call me names. Could you at least do it correctly....
What you meant to say was = You're / you are a liar!
So please next time just save yourself the trouble and don't call me names... Especially if you cannot write it correctly ... And just so you know.... Name caalling is very childish
Hmm.... You shouldn't swear like that. :(
Its not very nice... The word Bit** is not a very bad swear word like that because that is just mean! :(
You should be nicer to people especially when you do npt know them!
My favourite animal is an ostrich... I just find them fascinating
I guess cuz I want to...
It isn't a bad thing.... Insidejoke
Definately Original ®
I do the things people don't expect me to do
I am sorry I cant give this info out :)
You don't even know who I am...
Sorr I took so long to reply.... My hair colour is blonde ;)
OMW I love you!! Thanks girl !!
You da bestest friend too!
You're a funny person.
And no I do not ;)
Whoa, Darling
I can't even count that high :)