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err.. hmm maybe my wrists being taped up behind my back? mmm being gaged and bitten lol and yea na hahah
yes I am working on it already got patches finishing this pack and im done
1) 17, 2) blue, 3) 5ft something, 4) yerr, 5) yes.. haha na 6) sometimes depends what mood, 7) ahh yes! 8) yeep 9) no never ha to.. 10) yes ofcourse 11) my red lacy ones with frills and a dangly love heart at the fromt.. 12) e nearly f, 13) shaven.. and errr sometimes a strip lol.. 14) swallow :P
*thumps to floor*
boohoo delete me then like i really care
oh thankyou <3 too bad you cant say this to me with out being anonyms ahaha
do it i dare you (;
figured baby xx
i fuking no right!
why thankyou (:
i have (;
fishing yes sounds good.. haha
i do personally like fishing myself so i supose (:
and depends on what we are going to fish for