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Just answered this(:
He's a great friend! Always good at cheering me up, he is a lovely guy with a dece Personality (:
Aww! Come off anon?(:
Aw Thank You ! Made my Day(:
Awww! Sooo cute , naw c;
OfCourse love!x
Your what?(; xx
Sorry i promised PooBrain xxo
First highfive? Sure :D
Im doing a carwash on Saturday with liv. and learna! You can come(':
Awwwuh!(': thanks heapppps!
Chea alg(: Saturday or Sunday ?
Staahhhhpp it! No actual I'm no where near perfect silly (;
Welll.. your a v*****Head :D
I'm more lucky(:
My Favorites Chocolate , second equal Banana and Strawberry(;
You can sleep on the couch ! Jokes(:
You can't make chocolate , ya buy it(;
I'm in a happy relationship ! I would never imagine going out with anyone else , your a good mate though (:
You like Dic*!? Already knew that(:
Your personality! Your really easy to talk to and i like having someone i can trust , and your really sweet(:
Your honestly a f***tard(':
I'm actually pretty cold tbh
Loving it, except for a couple of people who are horrible -.- its alot better than opihi
Because she made up heaps of stuff about me, spread it around to everyone , and denys it! When i know for a fact that it was her, i don't like being friends with people who CONSTANTLY talk behind there so called "Friends" backs, she lies about a lot , and just isn't a nice friend to have, from my perspective .
Either Finding Nemo , Or Thirteen(:
Lucas Rosewall, because he makes me happy and he's Perf