Is oky we will see you again when you returns to despatch
Yeah, not going to happen but keep dreaming. Enjoy not existing any further.
5p1k3 replied
3570 days ago
Devil devil devil devil devil
Yes, it's fun being the Devil, wonder how you're going to spy on me now you prick. I cleared BBM and even if you're still on it - it's only a matter of time. Think of it this way, the Devil is famous, you on the other hand - not so much.
5p1k3 replied
3570 days ago
Can't these kids just get a life?How can you jump from work to work if you only had one job and it was for 8months before you left for the new one?You can see that they are still too young since they don't understand life and money
Exactly, thanks. Anyways I don't take commentary from someone too scared to show their names or faces. I'm deleting all this pricks previous comments.
5p1k3 replied
3571 days ago
Hahaha haal hulle wragtig amper 4jaar trug se nonsense NOU uit? Wie is nou arm gatte sonder n lewe wat nerens kom nie? Los hulle ons is ver uit dai dorpi uit en werk al weer terwyl hulle Avon en skinder stories yt deel vir n lewe. Pateties verby! Lol Traciqi
Hahaha ja, ek wonder Anonymous verkoop jy ook Avon? Want jy kan nie ordentlike werk doen nie? Is dit hoe jy vir jou kaffer dagga betaal om daar agter AM te rook jou tappit stuk gemors?
5p1k3 replied
3575 days ago
it Seems you have a account here great, and tell that idiotic Davey Boy and that overweight idoit Danny and all your cronies that they can try and curse me that's if you even have a single brain cell to know who I am.
Listen I don't know or care who the **** you are but you can tell them yourself you pathetic piece of ****. Danny may be overweight but he isn't a childish ****er like you and I'm pretty sure Dave knows more than you you ****.
5p1k3 replied
3647 days ago
This still exists? XD wtf bro I havnt logged in a long time. Btw hi ^-^
Haha yeah this **** does still exist bro. Log in bro maybe you have a few questions to be answerred.
5p1k3 replied
3647 days ago
What's the plan for the new year
Work and in the meantime look out for a better job.
5p1k3 replied
3675 days ago
How did your new year start
With a party and a bonfire.
5p1k3 replied
3680 days ago
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
People shouldn't worry so much about the future. People should care more about their present to ensure a great future and that's what I'm busy with. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
5p1k3 replied
3697 days ago
Viva ANC
Uhmm, nee dalk vju ja.
5p1k3 replied
3722 days ago
Duuuuuude !!! ,where are Uu ?? . . .ThiS Simmy miSses Uuuu :( FreakySimmy
Been a bit busy, got a job and all that. Lost most of my bbm contacts.
5p1k3 replied
3743 days ago
Best song you've heard this week ?
Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough
5p1k3 replied
3743 days ago
As n posbus blou is en n olifant is groen, hoeveel kos n brood? (Kyk of jy die simpel trick question kan antwoord). Van: Die bestuurder van die *exy wit kar
Uhmm watapous? Soos ek weti ou, R11 of iets mar asj nie cheap brood koopi. Mar sws vn wane af wari j owr brood. Wa die gwais.
5p1k3 replied
3788 days ago
Dis so sad.Die wereld is vol gay ouens.Wonder wat het in sy lewe verkeerd gegan want n regte meisie vloek nie sommer nie, praat nie van tiete nie,niemand kan jou ontmoet nie want jy bly by my en werk elke dag.Die baas laai jou hier af direk na werk Traciqi
Jah hahaha, die persoon maak hle naam gat
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
Was nog in die oggend gewees, 11 uur op despatch
Hahahaha. Ek werk van 7h af en was die afgelope week en n half in Kirkwood. So jys duidelik mal. LOL. Jys n joke
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
Dis nie wat jy nou die middag vi my gese het nie my skat, sies ek ken jou nie so nie
Jyt die verkeerde persoon hier. Ek ken jou nie en ek ontmoet nie mense deur die dag nie.Hoe laat het jy my "ontmoet"?
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
Kyk hier anonymous, poes an nou, jy fool jouself. Ek het my ou vanogend gevry voor werk so ek weti waar val jy yt nie. Hy BLY BY MY. So praat weer waneer jy ytnlik hier al gekuier het of vlieg in jou moêr jou gay naai Traciqi
Jah rrg waar.
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
Haai moenie nou dom speel nie liefie, ek en jy het dan nou die dag gevry, het jy dan rerig van jou moerse paar tiete vergeet?
Ek weet nie wie de vok jy is nie maar jy is duidelik bietjie opgevok upstairs. Ek werk tot vkn 5h hoe de moer het ek jou dan gevry? Kom vkn reg want bliksem jys kinderagtig.
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
My lief hoekom het jy nie vandag vir my kom kuier nie? Jy weet hoe baie mis ek jou. Sien jou mar wanneer jy weer kan kom
Is jy nou GAY EN VOKKEN DOM, jy diss m n ruk terug van ek bly by my meisie so waar de vok val jy nou uit met die klomp kak. Luister jy lekker na ander mense se kak stories, want duidelik weet jy net wat jy hoor. Ekt nog heeltyd geweet jys vkn onnooslik.
5p1k3 replied
3792 days ago
Jis my lief.Di ouki is vkn dom.Sien "more" haha.Jy weet self ek sali sulke kak viju qooh ni,ni"anonymously"ni wnt ek het bbm en whatsapp!dog hy weet als?Ek sien jou elke aand en oggend wnt jy BLY HIER.Hy mak heeltyd net n gat vn hmself Traciqi
Hahaha dis so vertraag om te kyk hoe die vokken oukie try so slim wees maar dan doen hy sulke kak en dan lyk hy nt weer so pateties.
5p1k3 replied
3793 days ago
Hoop jy slaap lekker my skat, kan nie wag om jou more te sien nie
Dude seriously, kry n vokken lewe.
5p1k3 replied
3793 days ago
Lol die grap j seuntjie, want almal is beter as jy MichealJVox
Se die patetiese vokker wat heeltyd op qooh.me is. Ai shame ek kry jou amper jammer.
5p1k3 replied
3794 days ago
Ek is beter as jy seuna, dink maar net jy is die een wat beter is
Well JY is die persoon wat heeltyd agter my gat an message so ek sal dit nou vokken se. EK IS VOKKEN BETER AS JY JOU GEMORS. Gaan kry n vokken lewe want jy bly in myne rondvok en dan se jy jy is beter as ek? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jys n vokken grap.
5p1k3 replied
3794 days ago
Luister nou mooi vir my laitie, kry n poese lewe en n vokken werk want jy bly my pla. Die dag wanneer jy werklik beter as ek is kan jy komentaar lewer so tot daardie dag kom - POES AN
5p1k3 replied
3795 days ago
Is jou werk nou nie meer in die pad dat jy vinniger reply?
Is jy vokken onnooslik? Ekt oor die 10 ure gevat om te reply. en ek het vroeer afgekom van werk want ek het al my werk vir die dag complete voor 3.
5p1k3 replied
3796 days ago
Is jy nou klaar ge vokken fûckin vokken?
Is jy nou klaar met jou kinderagtigheid?
5p1k3 replied
3796 days ago
Dink julle moet aarde toe kom en realiteit beleef. Heeltyd bo in die wolke waar julle so baie van julself dink het julle minds bietjie opgevok want eweskielik dink julle julle is baie great en bo almal. En julle assumptions is ook net so kak soos julle
My vok laitie, jy vokken gan an dat ek useless is en kak. So JY dink JY is beter as almal. Doen ons almal n vokken guns en gaan soek n werk en n lewe asb. Want jou kinderagtige kak begin op my gat werk. Vokof nou. Bye.
5p1k3 replied
3799 days ago
When will you visit despatch again?
Well I was in despatch today for my work, so when I have to go to despatch to do a job I will be there, why so curious anonymous?
5p1k3 replied
3800 days ago
Did you fake that moustache on your facebook or did you grow it yourself? I'm not that other guy that causes trouble, I'm a friend.
Hey, I took the pic but because of the lighting it came out a bit darker than normal, but yes that's mine. Glad to have a question from a friend and not that d*ck.
5p1k3 replied
3800 days ago
Joh is her teeth so long, maybe she must become a cow so that she can also become fat #bbw lol XD
Lyster laitie, jy begin my nou vokken irriteer. Vlieg nou stryt in jou poes. Asj n vokken lewe gehad ht sou jy nie obsess oor myne nie. Asj n poese werk gehad ht sou jy nie heeltyd op jou foon gewec hti. My vok word net vokken groot want jy wys nou vir amal jyt vokkol want jy bly angan mt my. Ek gani verder vir jou reply nie tot jy vkn grootword. Ek het n werk en heti tyd vju kinder kak nie.
5p1k3 replied
3800 days ago
Hei ou, jou girlfriend sny die gras met 'n sker, hoekom byt sy dit nie af met haar lang tande nie
Lyster laitie jy vokken pla my by die werk, gan kry n lewe of gaan speel met jou speelgoed want jy is vokken pateties. Hoekom kry jy nie n lewe en word groot nie? Oja ekt vergeet want jys n poes. Het nie meer tyd vir jou kinderagtige kak nie.
5p1k3 replied
3801 days ago
Ek het my feite reg, mar okay, gedink jy kon darm eerlik wees ook.
Nee jy het duidelik nie, ek is eerlik, my meisie is nie van brakpan nie so ek weet nie waar kry jy jou info nie maar jys deurmekaar. Lekker aand, ek het werk more oggend.
5p1k3 replied
3803 days ago
Hoor ek weet nie hkm jy so ongeskik is nie, ekt net n doodgewone vraag gevra en ek praat nie baie kak nie want dis my eerste vraag. Nie gedink jy is so n ongeskikte mens nie
Lees die ander klomp vrae wat kinderagtige mense my vra en dan sal jy dalk agterkom hoekom ek ongeskik is. Ek weet nie waar val jy uit met brakpan nie maar eerlik waar as jy n vraag wil vra maak seker jy het jou feite agtermekaar.
5p1k3 replied
3803 days ago
Hoe voel dit om met n brakpanner uit te gaan?
Jy praat baie kak vir iemand wat n werk het. Hou op n klomp kak vir my stuur ek het n werk om te doen. Nie almal sit op hul foon heeldag nie
5p1k3 replied
3803 days ago
Hope you are doing well, why does your mom stay in Port Elizabeth and your dad in Johannesburg?
Thank you for your concern, well I think that is a question better answered by them. I don't have any dealings in what happens/happened between them.
5p1k3 replied
3806 days ago
Why so quiet? Ashamed that you have been proved wrong by what did you call me? A smart àss
No actually I was at work, you have one don't you? Well let me lay this on your mind - if you give so much of your time to **** around in my life it means either you DON'T have a job or you DON'T have a personal LIFE. So do tell which one is it. I know I have both now and I'm not as childish to obsess over someone elses life.
5p1k3 replied
3808 days ago
The answer is neither. And how would you know? You don't even have a job.
I don't currently but I have had three. But you didn't know that did you? NO JOB allows you to be on your phone that much. Especially not a hard labor job (a man's job). So spare me your bull****.
5p1k3 replied
3809 days ago
You see, my job allows me to be able to chat etc at any time I like. And why do I need to go to the adult shop if I have a job. I suggested that as a act of kindness by telling you where they need workers without matric
No job does that, so don't f*cking bluff yourself. You're lying and if someone can't piece that together they're stupid. You? Kind? Don't make me ****ing laugh. You just have a childish obsession over my life. Why? BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. It's the only reason why you would be. That or you're deranged.
5p1k3 replied
3810 days ago
Yoyo longtime no chat! You doing well? How's work? Oh right I forgot, you don't have a job. But since you desperately need a job, why don't you go work at the adult shop in despatch, if you have the nuts to do it
Anonymous, you keep saying I don't have work and a life but yet you are the one qooh'ing me 2 a.m in the f*cking morning. So who really doesn't have a life? YOU. That's who. I'm not a common f*cker like you so why don't you go hear at the adult shop for a life eh?
5p1k3 replied
3810 days ago
What is the craziest thing you will do or have done
That is a very hard question to answer, but most of the crazy things I've done have been with my friends - Ryno, Arent and Wayne.
5p1k3 replied
3812 days ago
Ek sal vir jou forever smaak trevour wil jy dalk n dubblel traai
Uh ja ek wil, hahaha Ryno jy met NP Projek - Betas. Haha memories.
5p1k3 replied
3813 days ago
Raai wie was nou sy tril
Uhmmmm... Jy?
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
Where would you like to be 10 years from now
In 10 years from now I would like to be in a stable job in a city far away from these people that don't know when to keep their mouths shut.
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
What will you say if I said I fûcked your gf last night lol
I personally would say you are deranged and need a psychologist, my gf and I watched movies last night through the whole night. Stop doing drugs kid, it's bad for your health.
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
What was the most nerve wrecking experience of your life
Almost every day is a nerve wrecking experience, what's with all the questions? (I know this is coming from only one person)
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
What is your favourite song of all time
Apocalyptica - Not Strong Enough
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
Who do you admire the most in your life
I admire my beautiful girlfriend for still sticking with me through all we've been through.
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you while on vacation?
Haven't been on vacation very often so I don't have a answer to your question unfortunately.
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
What is the 1 thing you could tell us about yourself that others will be shocked to know?
I'm a Christian that has friends that are Satanists.
What is your deepest secret?
Now if I told you it wouldn't be a secret would it.
5p1k3 replied
3814 days ago
Glad that Micheal guy or what ever the f*ck his name is decided to shut the f*ck up
Me too, he irritated the **** out of me, but ah well that's what kids do eh.
5p1k3 replied
3815 days ago
Lol you really think that was me driving past de mist lol you are a idiot, and really I so honestly believie you have weights(lol not really) you really are pathetic, sounds like you are trying to impress me
It's not about what you believe. It is about what is real and what is not. Believe what you will Anonymous but I don't need to impress a unknown. Oh so if it wasn't you then you just admit to me you didn't show up XD, whatever sad post from you comes up next I'm ignoring.
5p1k3 replied
3816 days ago
Why do I have to waste fuel on you? You're not even worth it. And what weigths do you have, little baby weights? Ag shame dude I now feel kinda sorry for you, lol just kidding u still pathetic
Just because you and your backup didn't see me doesn't mean I didn't see you. No they are weights made of cement, it's called dead weight, (sounds quite like you)
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Oh the boy thinks he is gonna gym, don't make me laugh. Let's see if picking up weigths(if you could afford them) wil assist you in being able to take me on
Hahaha already have the weights, so did you and your backup enjoy searching for me and wasting your petrol?
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
I gave you your chance now, (even my gf was with me). You keep saying I'm skinny. Now that won't be a problem in a while, the next shot you get I won't be as skinny anymore. But for now, Adios.
Until we meet
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
I'm late so what, you gonna chicken out?
No, you already did. If you had balls you would have been realier or on time. I was there on time you didn't show. Have a good day. I don't waist my time on little children
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
U gonna cry big boy?
Are you going to show up? Oh wait its 1:05 and your not here. Goodbye
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
You think so skinny boy
You talk a lot. Damn.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Lol I don't need any help, you will, but if you use a stick or knife you land in the hospital
No you're the one who is going to be in the hospital when I am done with you.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
I have the nuts, you can even call your friends so that they can help you, I don't mind, I'll still give you a poes klap
I don't need my friends. We will see if you will actually come alone
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Yes let's see if you really have the nuts
The question is - do you?
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Awwww is he getting worked up? Maybe I must let u take the first 10 shots then I'll knock you out with a huge poes klap for the 11th shot
I'm waiting.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Will you be there with a teenie tiny stick? Not gonna use your fists? Maybe I'll just use one hand to give you a poes klap
Maybe you should stop talking and come.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
maybe if your eyes weren't stuck into p*esies the whole time you'd notice that i smile alot since we are beter than you and you're the scared little b!tch with no life
Precisely, but let's see how things happen at 1 p.m today. If he doesn't come - he's a *****. If he comes with backup - he's a f*****.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Lol I don't need replies from you, I'll just dish out the truth, that's enough for me, mr wanker on danny and mrs ugly teeth :o XD :p
What truth? You don't have anything. The only ****ing truth there is is you can't ****ing show your face. If you are that great then meet me at De Mist cafe today at 1 p.m, that is if you're not a *****. See you then mother*****.
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
Anonymous, seems to me you're all talk and no play. You throw insults and accusations around but you're not willing to show your face nor say who you are. In my opinion you are just a ****ing kid looking for attention. Spike don't give him any more replies.
Quite true, so enjoy not having any of your childish questions answerred "Micheal"
5p1k3 replied
3817 days ago
When can I lick your gf again?
In your dreams. Trust me she won't get near to you and she never did. As far as we all know she doesn't go for little children or pathetic guys who sleeps with every girl and "fights anonymously"
5p1k3 replied
3818 days ago
If you could time travel, would you go to the future or to the past and what would you do
I wouldn't go into the future or the past. I would stay right where I am now.
5p1k3 replied
3818 days ago
If you had 3 wishes, what would they be
My three wishes would be - 1. A Job that pays decent 2. That this "Micheal" can grow up. 3. That no people like him exist. But eh there have to be people to go to Hell hey.
5p1k3 replied
3818 days ago
(Yawn) go s*ck a d#ck annonymous.
Lol yeah we know he's a f*****. I mean the guy is obsessed with me. XD.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
Glad you think I'm a child
I don't think buddy, I know. Time for me to bring out the truth eh? The truth you're too ****ing ignorant to see. You're a ****ing child obsessed with my life. So if you want to talk about pathetic - THAT'S PATHETIC.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
What do you think is the best in a person?
The best in a person is their ability to forgive, not to judge someone by their past mistakes. To leave out the past and continue on into the future, but above all not to hold childish grudges against another person.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
And btw spike is a stupid name daniël
Well it's much better than Anonymous, you are boring me. As I said before (and this time I mean it) I'm not answering any of your questions from you. I don't concern myself with children.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
Anonymous this is for you (it's Spike btw) you can throw around your false acusations all you want. It seems you have a problem shutting the **** up, so I'll make you shut the **** up. I'm not replying anymore
So until you have the guts to come out of your anonymous closet I have nothing more to say to you. You don't have any power here. So when you are ready to stop hiding like a little ***** then that will be great.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
Nou die blixem stil mooi nou kan hy/sy wi okal dt is n lewe kry en uit joune bly want mense wat so aan gaan het iets om weg te steek angelface94
Ja neh
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
Wtf??!why dnt you just shut up already?? Danie just ignore this piece of sh*t...
Thanks I will. :).
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
nd say everythng u say here 2they face so jst shows hw ****ed up u really r so whn u learn 2gt balls say something 2they face angelface94
Yes, doing **** anonymously makes him pathetic.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
If my cuz nd her bf(spike) r idiots thn u mst b the biggest 1coz u knw da fam so stop ur kak nd grow up coz u scared 2face the music angelface94
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
The pathetic one is the one that doesn't have an income
Well you are the one constantly talking **** to me on qooh.me, so I don't believe you have an income either. You are contantly on this site so don't try to bluff yourself. My definition of pathetic is someone who says they **** little girls and say that everyone is pathetic but in actual fact is the pathetic one because he can't say his own name. Your opinion is IRRELAVANT.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
And I fûcked both your sisters
oh really, please do continue to tell how you ****ed a 4 year old and 9 year old girl you ****ing pervert. You have nothing to say that actually makes sense. You know where I am, so when you get the ****ing guts to find me we can talk.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
Your father is a prick just like you
My father is more man than you'll ever be, at least he would say his real name and not hide behind "anonymous" on a ****ing website. Haha you are pathetic.
5p1k3 replied
3819 days ago
What family do you have in Johannesburg
My father and 2 sisters and other members of my family.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
No my fantasy is a world were idiots like you and your girlfriend doesn't exist, because loaners(nobody tells me how I must spell) like you is a waste of oxygen on this planet and a waste of other peoples time
Haha, whatever makes you sleep at night.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
U wish, I don't fantasize I act before I fantasize. Unlike you who has to pluk for pleasure
I don't wish, I know. You couldn't get my girl if you were the only guy on the planet. XD, so pathetic. Must be quite something living in your fantasy world eh.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
That's not a comeback idiot
No, you're right. It's not a comeback. It's your sick fantasies that will never come true but ahh well, we can't all get what we want now.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
awe jou dom poes wat van jy kap jou ma se nommer vemy wil haar wys wat inmy steek asb wil dai pienk poesie n ding wys
Wow, jyt sopas nou net vir die wereld gewys net hoe kommin jy rerig is. Is jy bly?
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
That's not what your mother and girlfriend said last night
Haha the only comeback you have? Shame.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
Stop tryin to be a smartass whn u knw nothing.If he left schl for me I'd dump him,yet he didn't.Don't speak sh*t tht u dnt knw.rather go roam the streets like a little schl kid u are.I didn't knw u live with him an ben together through EVERYTHING.
Precisely. Well said. He has no right to say anything about my life. His opinions are irrelavant.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
All I have left to say is that I pity you, that such a smart guy turned into such a idiot never do you drop out of school for a chick that doesn't even have grade 9 and you who dont even have matric think you can take care of her, lol don't make me laugh
I got signed out of school, you keep saying I'm a idiot etc but now you say "such a smart guy". You know what? The world would be an infinitely better place without people like you ****ing it up. All you can do is insult me. Seems like you really don't have a life because you are more involved in mine than your own.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
if there is any place you would go to except port elizabeth, where would that be?
Johannesburg because I have family there and New York because the city has always fascinated me.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
And one more thing why is you're nickname spike, I mean all that bull because its a virus and blah blah blah is a load of balonie, you're nickname has to be moron and cuss noob
You're not even making sense. I didn't give myself that nickname. You are seriously boring. I'm not replying to your childish comments anymore. Good bye prick.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
I can do this all day long, if you really want to know my name then fine, its micheal
Well then why the interest in me? Don't you have a ****ing life because honestly. And my lie detector is going off and you are talking a load of B.S.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
Stalker much..are you gay or what? Stop running after spikes as* like a little b*tch that you are. man up and deal with your obsession problem
Hahahaha that's true, shame poor little kid. XD
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
You're still not that smart idiot I out smarted the "genius" LoL, thought I wasn't able to find out that you changed your username from spike13 to 5pik3, man you really are a idiot XD
Well you're the stalker, tell us who you are or shut the **** up. I'm not replying to any of your questions until you say your name *****
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
Anonymous do get a life.your parents should spend more with you.stop wasting other peoples time like a little school boy.this isn't primary school this is the real big world not ment for idiots such as yourself.
True, because he can't say who he is.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
Idiotic moron, and your ****ty but stupid girlfriend are as dumb as a fish. You basicly copy what I do. If I make a # trend both you you idiots have to make one. One more reason why I can say you are idiots and pathetic loaners
Call us idiotic all you want it doesn't mean anyting. You didn't even start that moron it was started by twitter so don't think too much of yourself prick. Oh and by the way you call me and my gf idiotic morons but you can't spell correctly. The word is "loners" MORON and you don't even ****ing make sense because we have each other, other than you that only has his hand.
5p1k3 replied
3820 days ago
Oops some people don't get much attention from their mommies #sosad
Yeah shame. Poor little ****er.
5p1k3 replied
3821 days ago
Lol now you get your ugly ãss gf to support you while actually both of you are the same level of pathetic #oopsthetruthhurts
Well atleast I have someone to support me. You keep saying I'm pathetic but the most pathetic thing I've seen all day are your anonymous messages. If you can't say who you are you are a ignorant little *****, and that's all you'll ever be. #oopsyou'rea****
5p1k3 replied
3821 days ago
Funny how everyone insults you but they don't have the guts to show who they are. XD Stupid little children. I wouldn't get angry, I feel sorry for them. They have nothing now they're trying to make themselves feel better by trying to make you look bad. LOL.
Hahahaha yeah that's true. I mean asking stuff anonymous makes them look more pathetic. Useless people.
5p1k3 replied
3821 days ago
What do you think gives the most satisfaction? Length or thickness, oh I forgot you are the wrong person to ask because you don't have either of those XD
Oh sorry I didn't know you're GAY, because why does the length or thickness of my **** have ANYTHING to do with you? God please do ****ing grow up you piece of ****.
5p1k3 replied
3821 days ago