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My cat
My cat
Currently it would be to be able to go back in time and redo my exams tbh.
The ability to not have to worry about my physical appearance.
Uh ?¿?¿?¿
I have many but at the moment Elf. Hell yeah I'd be in it, and I love Christmas so it works.
Dry, cold, still days. Everything is crisp and icy.
Anywhere that is not here. Also Surrey has the largest population of cats in Britain so probably there.
The fact that I still have a heap of unanswered questions from Jack's spam three months ago omg
I have one friend and who lives four hours away so I would shorten the distance between us bc I miss her ugly face
Hopefully by the 31st I will have stopped crying over my ATAR so I can prepare myself for (the lack of) uni offers lol, so happy???????
Buy dad another plant for Father's Day, and probably buy a lil cactus for myself
Spring bc bday!! Also flowers
Lawnmower, or flippin burgers
I've had this question before, and I answered with "some buttface" And I am still dating that buttface.
The language one. Lol I am probably spamming the hell out of everyone's news feed
Me????? No!!! Never..
Confetti sounds fabulous
I would rather eat mouldy pond s*** than listen to that song.
Wow jack I did not know you liked mainstream pop love songs so much, but idk this one either
Idk this one either
Pass I'm bad at pop songs
Purple like my hair, bc hair
-10 (hermit in my room)
You are the male version of Zara
I really don't know jack, idk
Insta and tumblr
Based on my personality, I'd be water. Plus I like the healing element. Hopefully I could blood bend too like a mother*****.
Okay so my cat is a major sook, so she'd be a supermodel or famous actress so she can constantly seek attention and complain. Idk about other cats
oMF um um well I would like to be in Gryffindor but I honestly think I'd be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw if I was sorted
Nope :~(
Lol nope not at all. Unless nintendogs on my DS when I was 11 counts.
Gardening!! It's actually so fun. I'm basically an old lady tbh
If this is one person asking these, I like you, you ask good questions. Definitely telekinesis, that would be so cool. Mind reading, I'd probably find out things I didn't want to, immortality would be lonely, flying would be okay but I don't like heights much.
yES who the hell lets that milk go to waste??? Especially if it's like fruit loops.
Not really in a romantic relationship, but in friendships and family, yes.
Scrape metal cutlery on plates, talk loudly when it is obvious others around them are trying to work/concentrate (although I probably do this), point out blemishes on my face or body. That's probably my top 3 lol, a lot of things piss me off.
English class sessions tbh.
Seeing someone you love in pain.
haHA np, it's a great snack for on the go.
I have a recipe: one packet of noodles; a litre of the blood of your enemies; grated cheese. Place blood in saucepan until brought to the boil. Break noodles into quarters like breaking the bones of the innocent and place in blood. Boil for 5-10 mins until they begin to cry in pain. Can be served with or without blood. Sprinkle with cheese, enjoy.
My awkwardness and sensitivity. Among an array of things...
Disneyland and nearly drowning but Sam saved me and we had icecream. Wow what the actual ****
Everything. Always everything.
Cats will be my replacement for children, so I'll have at least 30.
Ignorance and arrogance. Lol hey that rhymes.
Cooking porridge from scratch, making friends and basically functioning as a member of society.
Pip-slag Also my cat but I think she hates me so idk
Telekinesis like Raven from Teen Titans bc I idolised her she was amazing **** that other ranga alien girl that everyone loved Raven was a babe
Procrastinating and eating too much when I'm upset
drop out more like drop your attitude and get back 2 school friend
Some loser idk he eats a lot of toast.
That Italian chef guy who invented pizza when that other important Italian guy came to the USA or something
When kids on junior take up the whole hallway and walk as slow as a fkin sloth when I'm trying to get to class on time
Idc about phones really my 4s works fine
Awh thank you qt xx
More pop punk than pizza.
OH GOD THATS SO HARD Uh well I've been listening to a lot of Bowie atm, also Neck Deep and Brand New. For songs I'd have to say Singularity by Northlane and Suffragete City by David Bowie.
Befriending Piper ugh. Literally can't stand her, and her pug.
Too bad, so sad you never will. Do society a favour and staple your fingertips together.
Well yeah duh that's how relationships start, right???
Cat flavoured banana smoothie.
Yes! Hahah wow and we put ice on the trampoline for some reason.
Praise The Lord, my time has come to be questioned. What a lad tho
Piper. :*
You know that part in the goofy movie (I think it's 2 when max goes to college) and max says to goofy "GET A LIFE" and it echoes in goofy's head? Yes well I am max and you are goofy rn :)
Money can buy cats so money :-)