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be nice xx

745 Replies

Are you and arno official ???

Yes we are x

A.delange replied 2198 days ago 1

Are Arno officiall

Yeah ❤️

A.delange replied 2198 days ago

Werner Basson?

Wat van hom?

A.delange replied 2320 days ago

I would love to message you but as soon as you see who i am you would just friendzone me

Nah , i think maybe i would talk to you about it

A.delange replied 2324 days ago

Fuuuck I wish we could be something. You are literally the perfect girl and who ever treated you wrong is just a fcking doos. You are literally a queen.

Ahh ❤️ Thanks so much , like i really appreciate it so much , please message me xxx

A.delange replied 2325 days ago

Are you vibing with René and of not are you with someone else or do you like somebody

Message me x

A.delange replied 2326 days ago

Yho one time wyse

Not actually

A.delange replied 2329 days ago

Do you like someone?

I was interested in someone , sadly he is not mature for a relationship

A.delange replied 2333 days ago

lekke aneleh zulch

Okay ?

A.delange replied 2345 days ago

Who is this lucky boy? Arno? Or maybe someone else?

Message me ?❤️

A.delange replied 2345 days ago

is there any special boys in your life atm? Someone that might be more than a friend?


A.delange replied 2347 days ago

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

THhe fact that its a dog-eat-dog world

A.delange replied 2353 days ago

Name all the people

Dm or pm

A.delange replied 2357 days ago

Which movie do you regret watching and why ?

Not any ?

A.delange replied 2360 days ago

Who in your new school have you became friends with that you didnt expect?

A lot of people actually x

A.delange replied 2360 days ago