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Smoking, Drinking, doing Drugs, dying my hair... Nust to name a few.
The thing that would save most money would be taking music lessons, music songs... anything that involves music and instruments. Though I can't really give that up, since it's almost everything to me. ^^'
Music, video games, and various theories. There's a whole list I could go through, but these are the top three I'd talk about.
Not really, in contrast, I'd probably just try to make the world better. Maybe misuse my powers on few occasions. XD
My favorite Consumable of which you call Food, is usually pizza or Pho.
Embarrassing? Well, to be honest, I've been fairly careful my whole life so I don't really have anything too much. Maybe just saying some answer to a problem in school with so much confidence? I don't even know if that could even count smh. ^^'