The greatest moment in your life ?
Being with him
Is he a special guy ?
0h he is ...♡
Jou lyf <3<3
Jou weirdnesssss :|
Who do you like on this moment !!!*?
Who us ur best friend ever?
Can't really say
What was your last dream about ?
Shhttt ;)
Though you don't live far apart* (same question)
Tip# "Flirtatious" ~»asking bout would you date
: )
Would you date a poetic,funny,kind,loveable kinda guy?
Of course I do , That's my type of guys ;)
Wie is ju beste vriend
Wentzel :p
The best song in 2014 for you ?
I'm an albatra0z ,, *music*
Hayy you silly girl !!
Never forget how I fell of that gate while we were trying to get to the other side ;)) !!
Hope you got a smile on your face when u read this :P
#Guess whoo ??
:D great times #miSdit ♡
What pisses you off the most?
Probably hypocrites
Last time you cried?
All day everyday
Uhhh weiird :|
Will you kiss me again??:P
That night _ ♡ unexpectedly ,,,, I will
What would you do if you get rapped ?
0mW what can I d0 ?
How do you feel about dating exes?
I don't really like it but, if it is someone I really still have feelings for then its fine for me !)
Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?
China ... Chinese people scare me -_-
U love me I know it B) - B Brendin.2.o
Haha 0f c0urse i d0 y0u my bud !!!* hugS
Do you love someone ?
I d0 ♡
BIGGEST crush ? :D
SHHHH....... Secret ;)
How big is your TV?
BiG :D
Who's your best friends ? (Boys)
G0t all0t.... Brenn0n ...brendin.. Cj..tyrel..micheal 1.. Michael. T0p 4 brenn0n ,brendin,cj and michael
Hey you *exy girl... Iove you
Julle mense maak my s000 nuskuurig...
Vir wie is jyh so lief ?
Myself :)
Do u love me
If i kn0w wh0 y0u are i tell y0u.. D0n't ß℮•♡ afraid t0 tell me wh0 y0u are #hugs#
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
ӇAӇA♥* i thinK thAt all the tiMe anD h0pe f0r the beSt
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
want to be with you, i want to be yours and you to be mine!
Jy is die beste ding wat daar is jys my als jy lat drome waar word jys. En van GOD se wonder werke
Αωωωн..♡ te 0ulik weNs eke weet wie n0u met my pRaat
Jou gilmlag!, Jou lag!, Jou oë! Weet nie hoe kan iemand so perfek wees nie!, wou mar net kom se jy is gorgeous xx
Jys #perfek# ♡*
♡Liefies jou mysee..sisA'qiii ( : SheneQiiii
Hehe awwwh liefe ♥ juW 00k mY sisaQii ∞ #dRuQieS#
Jy ... In daardie bikini van jou <3 mal hot
Haha.. Uhhmm... ChriStian net jyh dai ! :P
Onthou jy nog daai aand..ek..jy.. Movies..cuddle...... Miss jou So erg ):
Hehe awh jaW h0e kaN n meNs s0 aand veRgeet saaM di 0ngel00flikste meNs 00it ?
Love u al0t neyQii..jys awsome hw00r mwa
Hehe awwwh l0ve yeWw t0 ... JyS net s0 awes0me ... MwAhh ˚♥∞
!!!Awe mysE sisA'qiii...*ƔA̲̅n ωtє øüqiii hü j•|
Hƞ̶hƞ̶hƞ̶»˚ Awε♡• SisaQii haha n 0uQii : D
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
I'd tell him i l0ve ♡» him
What type of guys do you like ?
Bl0nd haiR_ bLue eYeS ... Great pers0nality (: *
Jou *exy ding !
L_0_L ek se j0u neh !! (=
Jy is onbeskryflik *exy verby . Mal oor jou wens net jy het geweet hoe ek oor jou voel. Jou lyf, oë,hare en glimlag is ongelooflik beautiful
Haha [•AwwHh danQii #drUqieS#
Type of person you would like to marry?
0ne i'd love __ ♥*
A lie you told today?
told no lies .. - That's a Lie :D
what would you say you would love in the perfect person for you? and what are you looking for in that person?
EyeS.. Hair... Smile.. And perS0nalitY..
Is eke juww bestie??
As jy my se wie jy is dan sal ek j0u se :)
Wie *is juwW bestie?
Shene en chanel
Van wie hou jy??
Niemand _ :)
Two Things that you would like to improve about yourself?
Ummmm.... Dont need to improve my self :D
Na watter h/s toe gaan jyw??*
Haha K.H.S why ?
What car would u like to own? Brendin.2.o
Don't have a cLue .... An u ???
Girrrrrrl... Ek g0u k0m se jy's amazing!!!* xXx jy's super sweet!* l0vies yew t0tally!* ;) x0x0 __Ess
[•haha awwww......
I like it crispy and friend you are my chicken pot pie ;)
[•haha...... •Wә*̩Rd• WhO y0u♥ ??
Who do u love ???
NO one at this moment
Wat do u want in a guy ?
ɪ̣̝̇ just wna be with someone that ɪ̣̝̇ knw cares about me and that *♥L OVεs•°°˚♡* me an soemone with a great personality and ɪ̣̝̇ dont guys breaking ˚♥͡˚♏y̶̲̥̅̊˚♥͡˚ ♥•HϱÅƦT
Who are you dating and why?
*•¤₪øbød¥*•¤ im single and if ɪ̣̝̇ date someone its because ɪ̣̝̇ *♥L OVε•°°˚♡* them