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Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

You so fresh 🤩

Fck u🖕

ASSHU_______ replied 1938 days ago

How do you know me? maya.khalifa

I don't no u😅

ASSHU_______ replied 1940 days ago

And by the way, why am I the only person you're following? 🙈 How do you even know me? maya.khalifa

My heart told to follow u😉

ASSHU_______ replied 1940 days ago

The last lie you told ?

Im going to home

ASSHU_______ replied 1940 days ago

Who was the last person to call you?

No one

ASSHU_______ replied 1940 days ago

What do u like doing more by yourself?


ASSHU_______ replied 1940 days ago