How much money do you need right now and why ?
Money isn't the be all and end all that everyone thinks it is
What needs to stop ?
The way people treat people like sht
What type of people annoy you the most?
Fake people
Insta username?
What do you never trust?
What makes you genuinely happy?
Nothing really
What is the biggest way people waste money?
What should be free, but isn't?
WiFi and food
If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?
Caution I'm crazy as hell
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
The amount of materialistic things they have
What's the most expensive thing you own?
A gucci handbag ?
What do you want the most right now?
Häagen-Daaz ice cream
What do you want for your birthday
To be with all my family and friends
When do you know you're in love?
I don't know I haven't been in love
Who are you currently ignoring and why?
No one really
What is something you need to get off your chest?
Have nothing to get off my chest
What is on your mind?
How boring my life is
What is in your pocket right now?
My lipgloss and a lighter
Why are you happy today?
Finally got a dance partner that's my age ???
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
Right now everything is pissing me off...
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Too many to count
What are you afraid of ?
I don't know haven't found something to be scared of
Who was your first crush ?
My cousins best friend
Which word have you started using a lot lately ?
Je t' aime