How's your relationship?
Its thee best ;;) <3
You better keep him, many girls after him , make sure you keep him happy or else you might just lose him
Who's this?
Do you love aashiq or are you just using him?
Wtf? I love him!
I see you back with aashiq?
Uhm who's this?
Who's your boyfriend? How's he treating you?
Aashiq & don't worry
Who's your boyfriend?
Its nothing. To do with you =|
Who's your Boyfriend?
Nobody at the moment
Hi bby aashiq :$ I can't wait for saturday<3 love you , remember what I said ne :*
I love you too no matter what :(
What do aashiq do that you love him so much:| ?
Its nothing to do with you.. Mind your own business :|
Your bestboyfriend here :P
LMAO ! <3
Haha :) <3
Is aashiq the best bf you have ever had? Will you take a other boy over him
Yes his the best & no never in my life will I take an other boy over him :$
How's your relationship with aashiq? Aashiq01
The best :$
Are you and aashiq going out? How's the relationship ? Is he treating you lekka?
Lol all I can say is his the best & no-one's taking him away from me :$
Don't you wane be a part of the ORIENTS!!!!
Of cheesee!!! <3
Ping me?
Who's your favorite guy friend? And why?
Anees & Junaid.. Uhm mostly anees cause we like brother & sister :$
What do you think of Anees Dante?
His cool & stuffz
But one thing.. I like his six pack & V :$
If he ask u out wht will u say junaid morris
If I was single I maybe would say yes but at the moment I'm taken :)
If junaid morris ask u out again wht will u say and will u tell ashiq off
I don't know.. #NoComment ..
But I still have much love for Aashiq I love him a lot..
And Junaid? Uhm I like him as a friend now.. Was once there .. Not again :)
Name the person that u love and why u love him
Aashiq Carelse because his my boyfriend :$ <3
You're beautiful
Aww thanks :$
My baby sister?
#N N.esau
I love you more biig sister
Did u go out with ziyaad jones before ??? An is he hot ? ZIGGYj
Lol nooo! & don't ask stupid questions!
Aaliyah Isaacs ?
Beautiful Bissh !<3
Are You And Junaid Morris A Thing Or What ?
Haha no we only friends
With who did you have the best night of your life?
My friends Riddah, Aqeel, Qaahir, & others :) :(
How do you feel about ismaeel G
His just a friend
Do u smaak EBRAHEEM?;P
And who is your bf?
Nobody at the moment
Who do u love as your bf but his is not your bf at the moment
Junaid morris
Do u knw ziyaad jones ? Is he hot will u date him ?
Yes I know hiim his my friend
& that's nothing to do with you!
Will u fyt over ur lover or will u let a other gal tyk him?
Yes I would but if he takes me for a gat then I will let another girl take him
(Laughing) They asked u a question r u a virgin in wat noggal in tongue?
Don't ask kak questions tseek!
How old r u ? Nd do u find boys wif sixpacks or boys wif beer stomachs cute?
I'm 13 & boys with 6 packs more cute
Do u smk Shamiem also?
Nooooo don't talk nonsense here Emile Shamiem is only my friend :)
Are u a virgin?
Tseeeeeeeeek naaier!!! Go ask your kin that
Do u still love junaid Morris?
Maybe & I know its you Emile lol
Do yoou Loove meee ?? Aaisha Jaay was heere :P<3 .
Yes more than ever aaisha!! <3
I love you more than your boyfriend <3
What is missing in your life?
Someone very special
A Movie that made you cry?
When do ii get to see you
Do uh know zaakirah uh her d.p
I don't know abd no I don't know her
I love you more <3
Who is your boyfriend give a name
Isma-eel Gallow
Is ismaeel'gallow a good person
Yes very sweet person also
What's your relationship status
Its none of your busineSs
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
Yes mogammad
Ily <3
Ily too baby
Aaliyah'Gallow <3
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
Titanic & The Vow
How does ismaeel'gee look
Cute & se*y :$
Who's ismaeel'gallow ??
My boyfriend why
Name 3 people you trust?
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
Bruno Mars-Treasure
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
I love my baby <3 Ismaeel Gee
AWw soo sweet mAan love you too!<3