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Aaliyah Mahomed


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86 Replies

Just stay away from the Ayob family. U with them too much. U with shtty people, u become shtty

If you hate them so much, why do you work for them?

Aaliyah10 replied 1722 days ago

U don't even know these people for long n u jump 4 them, ur stupidity is priceless 🀣

I don't need to know someone for years to recognise good character.. You should be careful with the words you use towards other people, coz perhaps you hurt a heart which Allah loves dearly.

Aaliyah10 replied 1735 days ago

Soon everyone will no wat a shtty person u are n it'll be through ur so called 'ustaads' coz just how u talk behind their backs, they do the same 2 u

I don't even know why you're attacking such genuinely amazing women honestly..
And me speaking ill behind their backs is the worst lie you could come up with πŸ˜‚ I have too much respect for them to do such things bhai
Why not stop being a coward and leave your name?

Aaliyah10 replied 1735 days ago

Apa Ayesha is so rude n arrogant she is dumb enough not to have respect for others INCLUDING YOU, n ur dumber for having so much of admiration 4 her. She n her sister talks sht bout u behind ur back, and I'm sure u do the same 2 them!

You talk about having respect but here you are speaking ill about muallimaat? About Women who have the Quraan not just in their minds but in their hearts? Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ Ψ§ΨΉΩ„Ω…
I'd appreciate it if you could stop sending these very ugly comments about my ustaads. I really don't appreciate it.

Aaliyah10 replied 1735 days ago

Post a pic of urself

And why should I do such a thing

Aaliyah10 replied 1798 days ago

Whoever this is asking these stupid questions show ur self and message me directly, 0827200786 Ridhwaan

The coward will never show themselves

Aaliyah10 replied 1808 days ago

Facts cannot be changed.

May Allah give you guidance in sha Allah

Aaliyah10 replied 1808 days ago

Why did you string him along all this time and give him false hopes. Its evident you played with his feelings, isnt it?

Lmao why not get a life of your own and stop poking your nose in other people's businesses that you don't understand? 😁

Aaliyah10 replied 1809 days ago

why did u cancel da wedding

Just because a girl receives a proposal, doesn't mean she's gonna marry the guyπŸ₯

Aaliyah10 replied 1813 days ago

why did I call of days weddin

*looks blankly coz I'm always confused*

Aaliyah10 replied 1820 days ago

Whens da wedding?

When Allah wants it to beπŸ„

Aaliyah10 replied 1821 days ago

Hows ridwan

I donno how I'm suppose to knowπŸ˜‚ he is however Allah wants him to be

Aaliyah10 replied 1821 days ago

Hows ridhwaan?

Ask him?

Aaliyah10 replied 1821 days ago

I'm sure they mean your wedding.

My wedding will happen when it's meant to in sha Allah😁

Aaliyah10 replied 1913 days ago



Aaliyah10 replied 1913 days ago