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Nokia coz they are strong
Eat and sleep ☺️
See who posted wiestions
Every power coz it be awesome
Nun ya business cheers
iOS awesome
A horse , yes
Some crazy lady
Can't really think of one
Tv, hard drive , water speakers, perfume , little hand bag , lots of things :)
Both equal
Nothing lol
I wish alot of things
Really nice :) and she makes walter happy :)
Nothing i love them xx
Have a lot!
Perfect normally..
Bad personality, smoking, lying and disrespectful
Poor ..
Not sure tbh too many to pick
When the times right? Don't have a preferred age! Just not too old or too young
Lots of things !! Things that make me happy !!
In a house ..
Funny, weird, silly, cute, crazy make me happy and is also my bestfriend
Yes, why would you just let someone dye?!? Every single person would help someone who is dying
Nothing I can't think of
Why did he make the things happen that have happen
Myself mwah
My wonderful boyfriend
Can't really say I have
The time my bed calls me
Rude, lie, drugs , doesn't laugh enough can't think of anymore ATM
Lots of things!! Ahah
Everyone!! Anyone I would take a bullet for!
Who is this?!?? Inbox or text me coz mostly likely do too!!
Yer prob but wats the point? Wouldn't you want someone who loves you for you? Stupid question if ya ask me
Appearance and I alway **** up the good things in my life
Can't actually remember haha
School like always
2 prob
When they always care wat people think of them who cares be wild and crazy!!!
There a few
Idk aha
Who even does fart?!??
Don't have one
I don't know
Being short
Lachie! For being the most amazing and supportive bf aswell as best friend I could have !!! And always managing to make me smile
Liers, cheaters, rude, nasty, attention seekers, judgemental, sooky people
Phones aren't smart they are dumb..
Hmmm not sure prob a few
Sure have!!
I had a couple but prob xav I have known him for ever!!! And we grow up together
Bout a month ago ?! Mayb dont really keep diary
One that goes fast!!
A lot of things!! Death, seeing people I love and care about upset and lots more!!
Ab? Idk pretty much only abbey
Depends what's going on in my life will depend how long I want to live for
Achieving something that you worked really hard for and got good results
People never got sad! And bad things never happen
I broke the scales...
I don't do the future soz
Umm how am I meant to know that?!?
nothing really
I don't have friends..
What is a gut friend?
Make me ! Go s*ck another ****!
I have no idea , probably you because of your boring question
Anyone who I was close with and was getting the bullet shot at them!
I haven't watched many , but I liked last Vegas
Heaps of people!!!!! But lachie and abbey right now
I have sooo many!!! But prob my jumpsuit!!
When they aren't a bit crazy !
Myself coz I'm cool like that ! What's yours
Endless supply would be perfect
I have had soo many!!
Heaps 0f people!! Abbey the most !!! , rylee,Teagan, lachie,Jiddy and sooo many more!!!
I wouldn't really count primary school , so max
She is gorgeous!!!!!! And very pretty she is always laughing and really nice girl! :)
My bf lachie he is a cutieee !!!!! Omg !!! I'm not shy he is amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Something fun and crazy not sure what , but something cheerful
Mummy heheh
Abbey m, rylee, Jiddy and lachie :)
Hell yes!!! Why wouldn't i?!? His perfect!!! He is the most amazing and caring bf Eva!!! He means soo much to me
Nothing god isn't real
Idk prob everything
Which one ??
I have more then one bank account
No one I can think of :)