Who's your best friend
erp & mgo
Best guy friend
I don't have one. I'm pretty sure guys see my face and vomit a little so they just leave me alone.
You legit are perfect though hattiie
What are you really good at?
I'm good at being bad at everything. :-)
Who would you like thank today and what for?
No one because it's Monday and nothing good happened.
Top 10 Mary mack ppl xx
Hattie,Tilly, Bree, Chels, Rach and Belle xo only ones I'm close to. :)
What's will you name your kids
Whatever I choose when I have kids I guess.
Describe your perfect outfit
Whatever I feel most comfortable in :)
You're so beautiful! 😘
Awh,Thankyou anon xo
Best sized boo*s
Small, you can lay on your stomach in bed with no struggles.
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
I don't watch it :)
If you could choose one person that moved away from South Coast to come back, who would it be.... Choose wisely young one!
There's quite a few people and i miss them all :(
Dream hair and eye color
I can't decide between light or dark brown hair and i think having really really green eyes would be cool.
Thoughts on Rachel Notman, tbh I think she is rad
Meeeeehhhh, she's alright I guess ;)
Your father's name?
Rachel Notman?
Yeah shes pretty hot.
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
Probs madi and elley!
How much is currently in your bank account?
Around 34c...
Rach youre actually the beat and i love you so so much!! xxxx
Top 3 people from leongatha high
Dont really know anyone from there. :)
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
I'm not sure but it would've been cool to meet him!
Best advice you received about relationships?
Don't have one.
Most annoying celebrity
Aerrianna Grande. Don't know how to spell her name.
Thoughts on Olivia Howell!
I've talked to her quite a few times, she's so nice and she's stunning! And I'm really jealous of her singing talents xx
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
Don't have either of them.
What did you do this weekend
Went to my dadda's house :)
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Either passing a test or a roller-coaster!
What was the most unhealthy thing you ate today
What's the exact time when you answer this
6:55 PM
My gosh you're disgusting.. No offence
Last time you cried?
2 weeks ago.
Put these in order of like to hate.. KFC, suhway, maccas
Maccas, subway, KFC.
Who's better chantelle or Hattie
Love them both!
You're hot like a sunrise!
Thankyou katut.
Top 5 people to be around
Too many people to choose from.
Favorite scary movie
I am legend.
Who's hotter Channing tatum or Logan lerman
Oh my gosh. Logan Lerman.
San Cisco or vampire weekend?
San Cisco
Last thing you ate?
Muesli and yoghurt but I'm about to get sushi!
What do you want to be when you're older
An actress.
You and Eugene behind the shed *spews*
Wow. Trying to cover up that it was you I see.
Best song
She's a riot- The Jungle Giants
Dreamt of you since the day I came out of my mother
Wow, that's interesting..
Do you like waffles
Yeah I like waffles.
How many boyfriends have you had?
Top 5 prettiest people on Instagram
Elley payton, Hannah Payton, bree McRae. Tilly McNeil, Madi Oldham. xx
What pisses you of the most?
People who brag or talk about themselves all the time! It annoys me so much!!
Any people that you wish you could smack over the head
Can you never speak to me! You're the grittiest thing in the world! You make me sick
Sure thang bbi.
Favorite teacher?
Mrs Prue all the way!
Erm. Idk soz.
Ever **** your pants?
Possibly when I was little but never when I was older.
Top 6 guys looks
I really don't know, sorry.
Top 3 girls from school
Madi, elley and Chan. I love all the girls but I'm closest with those three xx
Top 3 girls from Mary Mac?
Hattie, Tilly and Bree xx
Thoughts on Gretchen
She's a wiener.
Ever eaten a eyeball s
Nope :)
Fav sushi flavor
California roll all the way! I'm about to get some now :D
Do you like Vegemite?
Yes I do. :)
boo*s or b*ms
I don't like either.
Something you plan on never doing again?
I'm not sure.
Abz...or just abi.
Top 3 people you can tell everything and anything to?
Madi, Elley, and Molly. There's more people but they are my top.
You must teach me how to longboard
I shall my friend!
Ever peed on someone
My god you're stunning
Awh thanks gorgeous but I'm far from it!
I can't wait till you move to my school so I can see you everyday!
I don't know if I'm moving yet! :/
Would you rather be a fairy or mermaid?
A mermaid.
You're so popular
I am not! So many people hate me it's not even funny!
Fav number
7! Gods number
Thoughts on harmony
She is a beautiful human being.
You're tacky
And I hate you.
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
I don't have anything to leave, as long as Nellie doesn't take my vans.
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
I don't.
I'm too shy!
You're beautiful!
Awh, thankyou so much beautiful person xx
Do blind people have dreams?
I think they would..but not the same way we do.
What makes your mom awesome?
Everything makes my MUM awesome.
Most embarrassing moment?
The moment I was born..
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer
Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?
iPhone, just because, there is no reason why. It just is.
Paragraph on Caleb boucher
Well..he's my brother and he can be a big arse hole when he wants to be but he is probably my closest sibling that I get along with best. We fight lots but we never usually did until he moved schools. He's my brother, what more can I say.
ILY FedEx! Ex oh.
Name 3 people you trust?
1-my best friends
2-my older sister
3-my mum
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
I don't really care.
Xoxo gossip sloths
Ex oh ex oh gossip sloth.
Tomato sauce or barbecue sauce
Have you ever kissed a boy
Nope. Never been kissed never had a boyfriend.