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39 Replies

Hottest girls in year 9 at your school

I only know like three girls and I don't even know if they are in year nine

Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

prettiest girls at bcc year 9

Um idk Becuse I don't know if your talking about the kids who've just moved up to year nine or the kids who've just moved out of year nine?

Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

thoughts on Samantha Pedersen? ☺☺

Lovely lovely girl always good for a chat and it's good seeing you around school

Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

Hottest girls in your year level at emc??

Um probably Annelise Georgia Tessa Kayleigh Melissa tattiana Paige Emily Emily and chloe

Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

Tbh noah confoy mmmderrrr

Easily one of my best friends funniest little **** going around, pulls the gals and your hood at giving me school tours

Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

Fk me!!


Adam_Dart replied 3667 days ago

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again ?

Baby I'm a firework

Adam_Dart replied 3668 days ago

Tbh tobyy toby456

Your beautiful great funny mint mo and fresh hair

Adam_Dart replied 3669 days ago 1

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

I wish Ryan could fly that'd be cool

Adam_Dart replied 3669 days ago

Favourite girl year 9 emc**

Elise or Keeley

Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago

Favourite girl year 6 emc

Year 6?

Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago

Who is your favourite girl ever ****

I have a group that are all on par but one only just peaks over the rest

Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago

then message them on facebook


Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago

Tbh? x Kelsey_Bratt

Your amazing and don't let any boy tell you different even though you didn't tell me who the boy was that upset you I'll still smash him your a great girl love Ya sis

Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago

why don't you say hi to the people walking past or on Facebook instead of waiting for them to come to you

I've done that already and they keep walking

Adam_Dart replied 3670 days ago