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Um I dont know its just a tv
I cant pick one but if I could pick 3 I would say molly abby and ali
Facebook even though I dont have it yet I have seen people use it and it has everything u need on it and twitter is way to confusing I got it and had no isea how it worked
Well u should just have a mint and ofer them one and just act normal about it
Im not sure sorry
Oooo this is a hard one ummmmmm........ Well it is hard to say so im just gonna say an embarrasing moment in genral so I was at the trity fair and I was lining up for something and I sorta lost my balance and it took me abiut 10 senconds for me to fall down but when I did u know those rope thingys that sperate the lines well the hole thing fell over and everybody was looking at me so I ran off......
Well I dont know now how to reply just ask a random question
Domt know.....