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I remember this like it was yesterday. I was like 13ish walking down main road tahuna just after buying some mcdonalds. My hands were full and couldn't pull up my slowly lowering pants. i got to the half way point of being home when they completely fell. No boxers, nothing. A pedophiles dream.
haha yes. She knows who she is. Didn't end to well hah
It doesn't. Life is life
I don't know who this is. But if you go through the questions I've already answered my number is in there
It really doesn't
Because I loved her. There was a emotional level of it instead of just physical
I wouldn't know if she was bad ok? I loved her so it felt different
Wouldn't have a clue mate
Not at all
I don't care?
Doesn't matter if I love her or not. She won't even talk to me and I don't know her number. So me liking someone else is has no connection to that whatsoever
No one. Lone wolf
Obviously. Now bugger off
Hit by a shovel at 12
There will be no fighting, there will be no harsh words said at all. Please just txt me. Please. We both miss each other so please
0278619472. We don't know till you do. No point sitting around doing nothing.
New phone, same number but not contacts. Please txt me. It would make my day
I know it's you, just txt me. Please or leave your number. I miss you a lot
Haha well this sure was pointless. Thanks for that :)
yet i have no idea who you are or what you have done unless you talk to me
Please just go away. I already f***ing hate myself. what else do you want from me?
I am amazed at how much you know. But i kinda do care, i just find it easy to talk to sophie about everything. She is a great listener. But can you just stop ok? im not talking with danielle and sophie and i barely talk. So problem solved
Would have stopped what? see the thing is that im not talking with her? she told me to leave her alone and i have
Well alrighty then, you sure seem serious taking the time to anonymously threatening me. But relax kind person i am not talking with her.
Hmmm ok, i mean i dont really like her. Just crushing atm. Her name is stacey
Why would i ever hurt her again? i would never hurt her again. It would destroy me
I may way of getting over her
Then facebook me? ring my phone? do whatever?
I honestly have no idea tbh. Soo why dont you txt me?
Hehe(: yay. Nice to see I still can
But i have no idea if it is you though
If you are awake at 2am can I ring you? This is you right? I rang the other night...
Then txt me, please....
Wait what? is this some kind of joke?
Sure <3 i would love to
And who might this be?
Because i do not want to tell you? simple as that mr/mrs anon
Neither of them?
That question literally makes no sense
just this really amazing girl
Well actually there is this one person...
Who the shi* is steve ;)
show me their txts. prove she was with him then. i want actual proof
Oh im sure she did. prove it
Why would i ever want to know that
Just one question what is the point in messing with me? yes i know she likes other people but why point it out to me?
Does it even matter? trying to move on would be pointless. She is the perfect girl. everything about her is amazing. Even if i tried i couldn't. she means too much to let go
Of course i got upset, she broke up with me out of no where then said she didn't love me. I got upset because she didn't explain anything.
Ok i guess i can do that. just for you
There are all forms of love. I am 18 and i do not need relationship love or the family love yet. i still have years left till i will become worried about not having someone love me.
If and when they ask me to leave them alone i will happily do as such. But until then i will not
As a friend yes, nothing more
i am not a player anymore
and? i can easily just buy hook**s for \"love\"
My first love, it was our song
I do love her and i always will. simple as that. even if she doesn't love me i will still love her
nope, not anymore
i got t***ies like a woman. woop woop! i got my man boo*s
Well that must be embarras*ing for it
420 blaze it f*****
The girl I love is Danielle and I do
Haha and here is the immaturity
And who might this be? :)
One of my favorite songs in the world. Reminds me of someone special :D
yeah, poo clings to it all the time
lets get high as shi* brah
bit of both
do you consider 7inches as big?
I feel as though i have a slight idea who this is :p
Well alrighty then
You just don't say those things even if they are a joke. That shi* messes you up
It made me feel sick
Who is this anyway? like really
This is sick. really f***ing sick!
She isn't lying you f***
Boom, proof
I have a feeling that isn't even a real person