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Aidan Bui



11 Replies

I said weird not messed up, there's gotta be something funnier than *ex-related jokes. rainbowduckies

I dunno they all kind of just blend together now.

AidanBee replied 3568 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?

Just got a cadillac. Throwing some D's on that *****.

AidanBee replied 3569 days ago

I'm having trouble remembering some of the 'weirder' topics we've discussed with devon in methods. Can you think of any? There has to be a few. rainbowduckies

Ummm... I think they were all really weird *ex joke stuff, its the only thing I remember Bedier coming over and giving us the look on.

AidanBee replied 3569 days ago

If morgan freeman is alfred in the dark knight, then what is the person asking this question smoking? rainbowduckies

whatever devon's been dealing.

AidanBee replied 3571 days ago

If a book store never runs out of a book, does that mean nobody reads it or everybody reads it? rainbowduckies

well my son, You Can Discover Everything You Need To Know About Anything By Looking At Your Hands.

AidanBee replied 3571 days ago 1

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Getting good.

AidanBee replied 3571 days ago 1

How can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real? rainbowduckies

The same way that Most Trees Are Blue, after all If Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Earth

AidanBee replied 3571 days ago 1

Why were you pissed at baddy on Thursday? rainbowduckies

It was a really petty reason and I shouldnt have been that upset. Nick was just annoying me for some reason and I wasnt feeling too great. Have been really frustrated with all my schoolwork lately, so that didnt help.

AidanBee replied 3788 days ago

Is this dead because you don't feel like answering or checking it anymore or do you not get any questions? rainbowduckies


AidanBee replied 3791 days ago

did you pass bio... ;_; KaranL

depends on how everyone else did ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

AidanBee replied 3862 days ago

what up bubblecup

what's new pikachu?

AidanBee replied 3862 days ago