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Hahaha no! I don't know anyone!
I don't like one direction at all haha
Hahahaha if I did I would have eaten it already!
Well scarew you!! Both!
That hurt my brain.
Hehe Spongebob all the way man!
Aw thanks! Geez so many, Muse, Radiohead, Blink-182, MCR, Green Day and loads more I can't be bothered listing haha :)
They would be like, "sorry we have received too many votes for her the whole program has stopped and we're making Amy the president of the world, goodbye."
I have so many great friends like Laura, Abby, Ella, Hayley, Taylor, Clara, Amy, Megan and quite a few others! They are all so lovely and I'm really lucky to have such great friends!
I have no idea! Maybe go study psychology or something but I'd really love to do something to do with music!