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Aishwarya Ramaraj


Shoot Away -_-

460 Replies

why are you so negative? =/

1) there's nothing in life to be positive about
2) i dont really care how am i.
3) being optimistic is like being foolish.. things never happen to be the way you want.. sooo :)

AishwaryaR replied 4340 days ago

Pink Blonde ^^

I hate pink >.<
okay blonde is fine :'P

AishwaryaR replied 4355 days ago

When some1 tells you thy saw u eating outside y dou make a big status tht u were hungry...normal human beings eat...u dnt hav to make huge paragraphs for it!

Thanx anonymous :)
i really din't need that :P

AishwaryaR replied 4362 days ago 1

Watching you and Rajeshwari eating burgers while walking on the road was so EPIC!! :P

EXCUSE ME ? Okay I'm on Leeba mode now :P
We were eating burger cuz we were so much hungry after running around for the dance costume we wore on National Day !
we were out till late night 10:50 and i came back home only at 11:30 !
and who are you ? :O only Tabshira saw us running around eating burger and she saw us in madinat zayed too :OO and i'm sure she wont question me anything !

AishwaryaR replied 4365 days ago 1

why do you feel that qoohme is a boring site???????? ;)

uhmm..the fact that all my idiot clas*mates stopped asking me questions and without being asked anything, it does get really boring ! and here in this site everyone is engaged into one another.. so yea, ireally dont have friends in this site to have funn with like on the others.. sooo...
Hence Proved :P

AishwaryaR replied 4368 days ago

why do you hate putting nail polish...???
all girls do

maybe all girls do.. but not me..
i mean, its sucha headache ! -.-
First we have to spend time in putting a nail polish.. the time i take for one finger is enough for me to finish one maths problem !
and second we have to grow nails for that which i wont becuz i've decided that i wont grow my nails till my 12'th doesn't get over !
And third if school is going on i have to use the nail polish remover which is another headache.. !
so why all this trouble ? :P better not to use only :P

AishwaryaR replied 4371 days ago

if you see an accidnt on the road, what would be your reaction?

I'll run away !
i can't bear seeing all this :/

AishwaryaR replied 4371 days ago

b*mb*m Baby? ;)) =B

b*m b*m Baby ! :D
nLets Go Party ? ;)

AishwaryaR replied 4371 days ago

song of the moment?

Feel This Moment - Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera

AishwaryaR replied 4372 days ago


nahinn !!! :P

AishwaryaR replied 4372 days ago

You are good at faking smiles is it???

hahah yes O:)
i'm an expert at it :3

AishwaryaR replied 4374 days ago

what were you drinking today when walking to your bus? :P

Rani (Y)
yeaa.. i dint find any other good juice in my bakery ._.

AishwaryaR replied 4375 days ago 2

you and fahad are going on? O.o

Bwahahahahahhahaha xP
me and Fahad ?? O.O
when did this rumour begin ? xP
Hahahahahhahahahaha x'DDD
he's not dating me :P he's dating my best friend.. and moreover, he's just the only guy in my whole age group who i share everything with.. !

AishwaryaR replied 4375 days ago 1


im not pink :(
not my fault if i heard a wrong rumour :(

AishwaryaR replied 4375 days ago

i should take away that rubber band of yours so that you can stop wearing bunds once and for all -_-

i love tying bunds for my hair :D atleast becuz of that my hair doesn't irritate me :P
well, if you are saying this, i shall wear a bund to school tomorrow :3
lemme see what you'll do :P

AishwaryaR replied 4376 days ago