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Some peoples names shall not be mentioned so don't ever try.

74 Replies

you should post more pics showing off your body. i miss the old you.

The old me didn't have a boyfriend who would eat her head off lol. Nah my man tells me the same thing lol.

Akashia1992 replied 2349 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

Free kittens VS rescue kittens.

Akashia1992 replied 2349 days ago

So Kaitlyn, Hayden and yourself didn't have a three some but you and Hayden had a thing?
Were you sleeping with him when he got back with Jemma?

Can you read? Hayden and I had a some but not with Katelyn and no only when him and Jemma broke up.

Akashia1992 replied 2350 days ago

What are you looking towards and why?? Anything special

November and it's a secret.

Akashia1992 replied 2353 days ago

You btch about so many people it's so funny and I love it but holly fck how do you hate so many people lol

Honestly most the people I write statuses about are because they are fcking with my friends. I don't have any personal issues with anyone. I also don't hate anyone. I dislike people but not hate anyone. That's a strong word.

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago

Thank you so much for sticking up for me! I’m over everyone’s sht just because I have jesses baby PierceTheEm

It's okay. It's honestly disgusting and it's sickening that people still act like this. They need to grow up.

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago 1 1

Why defend Emily at all

Because there is a difference between expressing an opinion on someone or calling out someone when someone does something really wrong. I do this regularly. Anyway big difference from that go just bullying someone who is doing absolutely nothing wrong. She hasn't posted, said or expressed and nasty stuff about anyone so there is no need for anyone to be so bloody nasty to her. She wanted answered about her son, she got them so did everyone else so now everyone else should shut it. I won't put up with bullying!

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago

Why defend Emily after saying Jesse raped her

Because Emily never said that. Emily has never said anything like that. This is just petty little girls who have there undies in a twist because they where hoping Lucas didn't come back Jesses. Now they are making stuff up and grasping at straws to try and stop any relationship between Jesse and Lucas by making up such pathetic stories. Sad really. I don't know why girls act so petty and jealous.

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago

How is Jesse seeing you when I'm with him tonight

We broke up and I am just so heart broken over it. Yeah nah I really don't care lol. Nice story.

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago

How do you feel that Emily's baby is jesses ?

Lucas is bloody adorable so I honestly don't mind. Emily and I are friends and Jesse is going to be an amazing father. Who wouldn't want to be in that cuties life I mean look at him!

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago 1

Is it true that you had a some with Hayden wuttke and Katelyn Williams?
Cause he has always wanted to sleep with both of you apparently and alot of people think that you 3 had a thing a couple years ago

Not with Katlyn but yes.

Akashia1992 replied 2354 days ago

Josh and you are so cute together ❤️

Don't tell Jesse that lol.

Akashia1992 replied 2355 days ago

I dont either if thats your personality to want to show your body that’s good for you if youv got it flaunt it

Exactly right lol.

Akashia1992 replied 2355 days ago

My boyfriend never wants me coming out drinking with him and his friends and one of his best mates is a female i don't like it and we keep fighting over it what do i do

First of all if you don't trust your boyfriend then you may as well break up now because it will never work. Second of all he doesn't want you coming drinking with him and his mates because boys do stupid sht like light things on fire and jump off buildings and he probably doesn't want to be micro managed in front of his friends. They also talk about stuff that there girlfriends shouldn't hear. It's no different to if you went out with your girls. You wouldn't want your man watching you b**ty dance and take shots off your friends chest. It's all harmless fun so don't stress. As for the girl i strongly think that men need female friends and visa versa because it's a whole different kind of relationship. He can't really get good advice of his male friends when use are fighting. As long as both she and Hun respects your boundaries like not texting all day everyday or being rude to you let it slide. My best friend is a male and no boyfriend will EVER come in between that. Unless your man is not coming home, flirting with other girls or hiding stuff from you don't stress. To many trust issues these days.

Akashia1992 replied 2355 days ago

So your a fan of the g string how do you wear them they so uncomfortable

I hate them! I wear grandma undies that go over my stomach lol.

Akashia1992 replied 2355 days ago