Akashia Sharram
i love you, i want to ask you out, are you single? id treat you like a princess xx
Yes I'm single and staying that way
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
That would be gay as f u c k
Whats your favorite *ex position
Your mum
Your such a gorgeous girl and I am so proud of you! I have had a crush on you for a little while now and I think Jason is such a fool for letting you and your gorgeous daughter go
Jealousy is a curse dunno who inari would be better off with as i dont think either of u would make a decent parent but im leaning more jasons way as he can provide for her and doesnt seem anywhere near as ****ed in the head
There's no one to be jealous of lol
You wanna know why Jason left today ? Because he had me to come see because I'm the girl that's more important than you I told him to leave or I'll never talk to him again It's me now ****er
Actually that's not true he left to see mikalea lol
Not long till your weak as* takes jason back than yull brake up again and than so on stupid stupid gjrl
Why did you try to get jason charged?
I didn't
The last thing you bought ?
Inari a head band
What do you think about Nikkie?
Don't like her purely for the fact she constantly rants and raves about how she is the one girl who doesn't like Jason and never will she's just his friend but he admitted to me she liked him I don't see why you need to lie
Did Jason have you charged?
Tried to
Why can't you just stay out of all the drama, inari will be f/ucked in the head by the time she's 5 from all your head case fights over Jason! You're honestly stupid'
Me smart lol
Is it true Jason has an avo against you? If so, why?
Yes and for breaking his phone
Jason gonna regret doing as you ask
Just because you think he loves you
Your wrong
He has gone home and cuddled the same girl every night for a while now you silly mutt
Huh? What's jason regretting? Lol
As for cuddling the same girl for a while now haha oh that's funny you clearly don't know anything lol
You replie with stupid crap to the questions about Jason because you know it's true and you know your weak ! Lol your gonna be stuck in your ****ty life forever
True true
Do you do squats
What is your favourite position? :)
Your mum
Can i please come give you a foot massage?
You and joe are so cute together, Saturday night I seen how much he cares for you I mean Jason would of killed you for half the **** you did then again he doesn't know what a s l u t you are lol
Major w.hore right here lol
You're an illiterate fu.k
I know this
You're a **** pig
What's ****
You're a theif
Your mums a theif
Get all that crap out of your daughters cot. Do you even understand the risk you are creating.. do you know what SIDS is?!
Why would I? She never sleeps in it lol
You don't have what it takes to be a decent mother. A decent mother puts aside her differences with the child's father because it's the best thing for the child no matter how much you hate him bragging about keeping him out of her life is a dog act
Woof woof
Probably not great to have your daughter in the routine of sleeping all day and being up all night
Blah blah
You're a terrible mother and I actually hate you
How long till you get back with Jason, and after that how long will it take him to break up with you
He doesn't break up with me so that I can't answer
Seen as Inari was walking at 3 months, is she running marathons yet?
You are a joke , you are not strong you keep taking Jason back because your weak
You are nothing to any body and I bet you'll take him back again
I like eggs well not really, only on bacon and egg mcmuffins and sometimes a hard boiled egg but that's about it
You're a complete fu/chess!
So you have your daughter 6 days a week but you sleep all day?
How can you sleep all day if inari is awake??
She's not
What a selfish ***** of a mother you are
Car factor 0
How long do you plan on keeping Inari away from Jason
As long as I can
Mikalea eams and Jason are seeing each other how does that make you feel? Jason gets with the dirtiest s.luts when use break up lol
That's nice and I couldn't care :)
If people took 5 secs to actually look than carrying on like idiots, Inari actually means 'successful one'. Morons. It's a pretty name, how did you come across it?
That's because people just try and bring me down but it won't work because I know it's a beautiful name :) x
Saw Jason the other night cruising with a certain Mickey.. Now hes heading down melbs with two girls. Disgusting if you ask me. unacceptable for a parent of a newborn... Stay strong girl!! Xx
What's a mickey lol? Well he should be working but that's up to him if he wants to go to Melbourne instead of work lol who are we to judge
A memory you want to forget ?
Giving birth
Its hilarious how you were carrying on about how Inari would have a name no one else in aus has.. its because noone else is dumb enough to name their kid after SUSHI!
Because I'm awesome
Jason drifts with Inari in the car. I've even seen him drag someone.....
Already know thanks for telling me
Are you and jevon sleeping together again ? ;-)
No lol
Alex misses you, you should measage him
He can message me :)
I don't understand how you can be a mum but still getting caught up in immature dramas. Wouldn't you be distancing yourself from that?
Don't get involved with drama only react to Jason
Please stop posting status about Jason. Actually do... We save each and every single one of them. And YES, we'll be showing them in court.
That's nice
In your status, you said Jason was being selfish for taking everything, yet you went out of your way to try and ruin his life and you openly admit that. Aren't you the selfish one?
We both did
Was just asking how Saturday was weren't you drinking with boys/girls
Was ok
Your nothing but a selfish c.unt.
I have *ex with my husband I don't need $$ for it. People can try and justify it all they like it's disgusting
That's your oppinion
You haven't worked and been a mother at the SAME time, nor will you any time in the near future.
Very true
Good on Jase for finally stepping up and taking what's his. He is taking it from YOU, not Inari. Maybe this is a good incentive for you to get a job - Inari is old enough for you to find a job.
You make no sense
I hardly think what I have to say is invalid; working may not be as hard as being a full time mum (yes I would know because I've done both..in fact I'm working and being a parent) but doing BOTH at the same time is exhausting. Get off your high horse.
Iv done both lol? And congrats to you :) your doing a great job
I laugh when people comment " you can't ditch inari wherever she's goes you go ". You can tell those people don't get time off here and there bwha.
Hahaha! Lol I just find it amusing because what if I was going to watch a p*rno or on a roller coaster lol. Sometimes it's more safer and appropriate to leave your child at home with loving family so you can have a social life lol
Prostitutes are disgusting there are other jobs than ****ing men to support your kids
But it's there v***** so who cares and you have *ex, they just have *ex for money.
As a mother who works. Working is way harder then looking after a child.
You reckon? I thought working was easy. Being a mum is easy to but more tiring
I'd love to sit home with my 3 children all day like u get too.
Yeah I love it :) I wouldn't miss it for the world :)
What are your thoughts on Dylan percy ? Thoughts yous hated each other but seen yous talking the other night ?
Dylan and I had a good chat and sorted out **** out and hopefully it stays that way. We both do things we dislike but we're both parents now and hopefully it stays peaceful because when we fight we fight but when we get along we get along lol
Stuf I worked as a prossy when I had 2 children, better to work and feed your children than jus gettn Centrelink and spending it all on drugs dumb kunts
Thank you! Someone said it! Who cares what your job is you feed your kids good on you!!
Ya mums cute ;)
Your cute :)
Mine x
This is cute lol x
You have to be one of the most beautiful out spoken people I have ever met and I really admire that in you
Thank you x
So lets say that it's true you work at centerfolds.. why would brag about it. like it's something to be proud of.
when in reality it's quite sad that you find the only way that you can make a living is by sleeping with people for money.
It's not true so I agree I certainly wouldn't brag about it lol
You say it's selfish that Jason won't take inari on a Saturday after he's worked an 8 hour shift, yet a) I don't see you returning to work any time soon & b) I think it's selfish you are angry at Jason for not taking her when its because you want to go out!
I work harder then Jason so everything you just said is pointless lol
What do you think of mikaela eames?
Don't even go there she's nothing but a car using trashy **** who needs to stop spreading her legs to people's boyfriends.
How was Saturday night/morning?
What happened Saturday am I missing something
I love how you have everyone going and people can never tell when you are being serious and joking lol as if akashia is a prostitue you f.uck tards! I also love how you don't give a f.uck what anyone says lol
Because they at beneath me lol
You're a fantastic mother Akashia people are just jealous of you and try bring you down because they are intimidated by you that's why the post stuff on here and can't inbox you xo <3
Because I'm awesome :)
no judgment here. Are you working as a prostitute? What days do you work? Ill pay what ever it takes. That or date me lol
PS i'm a chick!!!!
Lol no x
I would do anything to sleep with you
Get me a unicorn
You know someone has nothing to say when they answer a qooh me with a question lol
Do you like oranges ?
Worst mother award goes to...... AKAISHAAAAA SHARAAAAAAM!
Who is Akaishaaaaa sharaaaaam?
I don't know how you can just ditch Inari to 'socialise'. Your a mother you idiot. Wherever you go, she goes. Get ur sh*t together and act like a parent.
Why would i though? So if I'm going out for tea with all my friends I should put Inari in the car, make her sit in a pram while I eat food then go home when she could be spending time with her dad or nan? Lol
**** your sad what kind of mother takes her infant child to her work as a prostitue ???? Hahaha poor Imari or whatever her cooked as name is
Sushi lol
It's not a crime, but it just proves you're a liar!
7-3=4, you had her for 4 nights the other week.
That doesn't even make sense lol Becaus one week I had her only four nights doesn't mean I lied every other week I have her six nights lol duh
So your mum having her Friday nights, plus jason having her at least 1 night a week that still is less than 6 nights that you have her.
Sure it might be 6 when you get jealous and ban jason from having her but other wise it's definitely NOT 6
Jealous of what and don't say girls because if I wanted Jason I would click my fingers and I would have him. Next part to your question I do have her six nights a week but you are correct since Jason is going to start having her 1 night a week in the next few weeks I wil be having her 5 nights a week :)
Haha you're a mum, tell my why you think you're 'entitled' to a break? Didn't you realise having a baby is a fulltime job!
Hahahahaha wait so your saying I'm correct about Jason then his a dad so why is he entitled to a break? Lol. Clearly being a mum is a full time job but I am entitled to go see my friends and have a life to. It's very healthy and it's good for Inari to having a mum who doesn't sit at home all day :)
How can you have your daughter 6 nights a week when you're a prostitute?! What you take your daughter with you?!
She comes with me and stays in the day care centre :) lol
Why cant jason have her sundays and mondays? Oh that's right only YOU can have a social life! Only you can ditch your daughter on weekends (how convenient) for a 'break'
That doesn't make any sense because if he only has her Sunday and money that means I won't get to go out on the weekends lol we're was the logic in what you just said lol
Hahaha you're such a dumbass 120 hours a week would mean you'd have to work over 17 hours A DAY!!
I meant 64 lol that was the stupdist thing j have ever said lol
You have her less than 6 nights a week! You basically dump her on whoever for the weekend- parttime 'mum' (I'm using the word mum very loosely)
Dump her on whoever? Pretty sure Erin is the ONLY person to EVER watch Inari other then my mum and it was once for three hours so I could go out for dinner. I have Inari 6 nights a week. My mum takes her on Fridays now it use to be Saturday's but now Friday's so I can have a social life and a break but your opinion means nothing to me :)
6 nights a week bull**** you had on your facey you hadnt seen inari in 3 nights then last night lisa has nap time with inari on hers so you only get inari back then ditch her you never have her poor little girl
Lol what? I hadn't seen her in 3 days because she went to her dads is that a crime? Lisa did have nap time with her at MY house she didn't have her over night or take her lol.
You get sick of them? That's nice.
More like you use them up and get rid of them, or they work out that you're trash & trouble and they dump you.
Use them how? Lol and no usually I stop talking to them
Does jason get a say of who you can and cannot have inari around when you have her?
Well I have her 6 nights a week and have been there for her since she was born his only been around the last few weeks so his oppinions mean nothing to me but I do take them into consideration
I'm talking about on Gacebook, not here. You have a new 'best friend' every five minutes.
Iv had the same best friends for years. I just change my close friends a lot because of I hang out with the same people for to long I get sick of them x
You don't say much about Carli and Sammi and Vanessa anymore. Still friends?
Yes I just don't get asked questions about them
Seriously Wtf is going on with u and jason. It does my head in
Your mum
akashia doesnt raise inari on her own she gets heaps of help from jason and lisa more than i get with my kids but she wont post this
Why wouldn't I post this? It's pretty funny though lol
You're disgusting! not worthy of having a bsby.
To late now
who are the people you know without a doubt won't sleep with jason?
Kimmie fox
Thoughts on Rach king
I miss her :(
So you leave your daughter for *exual 'fun' yet claim you're not a ****?
Can't win I'm a bad mum for being a doll bludger but then I'm a bad mum for leaving my daughter to go to work lol
As if she is a pro guys she would get in **** for revealing her profile anyways don't be so naive.
lol true
You said you were moving with Kimmie?
I am
The problem with lying is that you're s-hit at it!
I know lol
You just said on your status that you don't work, yet you're saying in this you're a prostitute?
I don't class it as work I class it as fun lol
you do not work at centerfolds, the girl your pretending to be is a c cup and you have been going on for years saying you are a d to double d. full of **** *****
Lost my boo*s after breast feeding
your a size 12 someone you've lived with has told me nice try though i know you wish you were that skinny lel
A size 12 ! Holly **** this I was not aware of lol
If you 'worked' at 727, you would know that's not the business name. Idiot.
Clearly but 727 is easier to say. Not my problem if you don't beilive me lol
Cadence is marked as a size 8. You're far from a size 8 lol
That's really funny if you think I'm not a size 8 lol