Live for the moment because everything else is uncertain..... ✊❌
South Africa
What about Durban?
Aku_7 replied
2279 days ago
Who is that guy in ur story?
My cousin
I just wanted to say that you are really beautiful inside and out, and I hope you enjoy your day ❤
Hey ✨
Nxaaawwwww thank you so much love...I really appreciate it❤️
I hope you have an amazing day as well✨
Well who gives a sht about you. You not an actress and you can never be one. Actresses are too good at heart and rich but both of them you can’t afford. So f**k your sht somewhere else.
Did I say I want to be an actress? No.
Clearly you know nothing ?.
You came on to my Qooh so kindly fck off ?
We do also think about those children and it breaks our hearts to see them in such conditions. So when ur dad dies u must not cry but think about the children whose parents got bombed.
Third of all
Most of you people won't even stand up and speak for those in Syria so well done for me pointing out that I consider the death of thousands to be more important than actresses...And read what it says before coming to me with your bullsht
Sridevi was such an amazing woman/actor who caught almost everybody’s eyes and touched peoples hearts even thou we never met face to face. Now she’s deceased but we will miss her ❤️. (Continues 2)
Second of all
Did I say anything about not sympathising the death of her? No. It says that a coverage of an actress that died is more than that of the thousands of deaths that take place in Syria
Hi Aku
So I’m here really disappointed at your story it’s seems as if u heartless or jst don’t use ur brains but repost other peoples story. (Continues 1)
First of all excuse you
Who is the most famous person you have met?
Lou Teasdale ( 1D stylist )
Lottie Tomlinson ( Louis's sister )
Facebook ?
Aku_7 replied
2598 days ago
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Went through my 1D stuff when I wasn't there ?
Aku_7 replied
2617 days ago
Aku_7 replied
2626 days ago
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Not play the word me in Scrabble
Aku_7 replied
2628 days ago
Do you think now the title race is now over?
Ya, but like miracles do happen
Aku_7 replied
2628 days ago
which former player should be given the chance to manage united in the future?
I honestly have nooooo idea??
Aku_7 replied
2632 days ago
Who do you think should manage us after Mourinho leaves?
I honestly don't have a clue
Aku_7 replied
2636 days ago
Champions league?
I think we have a good chance of beating Sevilla
Aku_7 replied
2636 days ago
Have you given up on the league considering how on Form City are?
I'll always have hope
Aku_7 replied
2638 days ago
Which positions should we strengthen In January?
We need another central midfielder and a winger
I think we should get another Pogba,cause city have De Bruyne and Silva
What's your opinion?
That sounds like a plan considering the fact that Pogba basically unites the team so having "two Pogbas" would be nxa
Aku_7 replied
2639 days ago
I think Asensio won't think about joining
He is Real Madrid's future
I think we were need Draxler or Dybala
What do you think?
You have have a really good point there...
Yeah both would be a really good buy, but I'd opt for Dybala
We need a striker in January
Do you agree?
As far as I know we have our eyes on Asensio
Aku_7 replied
2645 days ago
Should Lukaku be benched ,and give IBRA more game time?
Zlatan should definitely get more game time...heck he is freaking Zlatan
Aku_7 replied
2645 days ago
Should lukaku beached?
Yeah for a bit
Aku_7 replied
2645 days ago
I think anything is possible in football,but I think the Premier league title race is over,even though I'm a big United fan
Do you think its over or we still have a chance and what's your opinion on Lukaku's performance?
I honestly don't think it's over.. if you look at it, Man City's performance has been degrading if you look at their past few matches...yeah they either won or drew, but look at the margin they are doing it at...much less goals then that of the beginning of the season.
Lukaku's performance in the derby was a disappointing one tbh.
Aku_7 replied
2645 days ago
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Trusting certain people too much
Aku_7 replied
2646 days ago
Your dream destination?
Venice or Greece ✨
Aku_7 replied
2646 days ago
What's your goal in life?
To be independent and work on myself as well as my imaan
Aku_7 replied
2647 days ago
One person you would love to meet?
Jason Momoa or Dylan O'Brien
Aku_7 replied
2647 days ago
Your role model?
ShiZ that's a really hard question...I don't really have one specific role model now that I think of it. I look up to certain people for certain qualities and all that stuffs they have.
Aku_7 replied
2648 days ago
Why don't you reply to dms?
I don't reply to some because I don't feel like it
Aku_7 replied
2649 days ago
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone that I can talk to about random stuffs, they are easy going and most importantly trust✨
Aku_7 replied
2649 days ago
What did your last relationship teach you?
Staying true to yourself is not a bad thing
Aku_7 replied
2650 days ago
How far do you see Manchester United go in the championship league?
I see them going quite far hey
Aku_7 replied
2650 days ago
I see that you're a die hard Manchester United fan just like me
Are you optimistic we can get anything out of the Manchester derby, without POGBA?
Well let's just say if Mourinho plays his cards right then we stand a good chance.
As long as we don't go full on defense mode and actually play an attacking game like we did with Arsenal then yeah chances are looking good, but with Pogba it would have been even better
Snap chat name
My new private video here melaniejj191
Can these things bloody stop?
Aku_7 replied
2696 days ago
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Ha ha ha
Aku_7 replied
2697 days ago
Sorry but u really ugly
You're part of the minority?
Haters gonna hate?
Aku_7 replied
2697 days ago
My new $ex video here meganvv746
Taubah taubah astaghfirullah ???
Me no care woman✌
Aku_7 replied
2698 days ago
Why do you think people like/hate you?
The fact that I have a soft heart.
This applies to why people either like me or hate me.
Aku_7 replied
2702 days ago
Where are you from ?
A town in Limpopo
Aku_7 replied
2702 days ago
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Travel and live life properly.
Tjooooooo your followers dropped
This was my backup @Aakifah_73 and I changed the two accounts names
Aku_7 replied
2707 days ago
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
Oreo pancakes?
How did you lose so much of weight?
This is a very good question which I can't answer because I literally do and eat the same stuffs since forever....just like cut down on portion sizes,drink lots of water and try to workout?
Plssssss start a live ur lives are lit
I started two like not too long ago? but thank you❤
You and ebrahim?
Like tbh bsg is way more beautiful than you ?❤️
What the actual fck
He's my brother
Please get your facts straight yeah
Which school do you go to?
Hoërskool Ben Viljoen
You and that ismail?
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
Sometimes the people who you consider close to you are those that intend to fck your life up whenever they can
What makes you uncomfortable?
When people are too inquisitive when it come to personal things.
Yes hey we face Rooney
Im hungggggrrryyy
Haha yes ❌
Everton next hey
Yep they are ?❤️
It's about time we leave our mark again.
What a way to start off champions league ❤️
They are on form dayum?❤
Yep Issa Fishyyyyy
I know right Ucl ❤️
United is winning 2-0 as we speak dude
Yes yes one of a kind indeed Fishy ?
lol yep it is ?
Issa Fishhhyyyyyyyy
Champions League dude?
What do you wish had never happened to you?
The list tho...
Yes blue goldfish fish ? ??
lol and I stole it from you ??
One of a kiiinnndddddd.
It's a cycle?
Have a crush on someone?
Yeah I do
Fine gold fish ? it is just imagine that "blue" fish is gold ???
Fothermucking is my new favorite word ???
I'm a blue goldfish dude???
I stole it from a YouTuber?
Uhm ? Something about you being Sherlock Holmes or something ?
#Short term memory loss ??
I'm a fothermucking goldfish bruh???
Yes exactly that ?
Wait what were we talking about??
Yeah how of course lol you good at being Sherlock ? You get them clues when I'm not even giving clues so yeah
So basically I'm better when no help is given?
Sherlocks got me scared now... ??
You better be hey?
Ahh at least then Sherlock will not continue with her investigation whew ??
You're welcome ??
I'll just won't know?
Lol I forgot too ? anyways let's call it forgetsiees ??
Oh and btw you're looking very beautiful ?in you're latest post ??
Well there's no use trying to figure out who you are by looking at the likers??
Thank you tho
Waa no ways nope
Hey ?
I forgot what I said before this...It's like snapchat coz I'm too lazy to go see what I said???
How much money do you need right now and why ?
About 2k?
For my MD stuffs???
Speaking from experience nope there isn't ??
You're welcome ??
No you gotta keep on slipping up hey?
*tries to find a reply for an evil laugh but fails miserably ?* ??
Hm you did congrats ?
There is no reply to an evil laugh hey??
Why thank you??
Oh damn ??♂️
Is it like possible to un Qooh me this or something ??
I figured something out?
Ayh noo ? Finals is far worse like 10000000 times worse just hand in you're PAT , get the HTML and all right in the practical and ace the theory you'll be fine
So you're out of school .
Seeee this is clues
Eish ?
I know but I prefer the theory over the practical even though the theory is never ending ??
Only an hour ??
Yeah that's why I came to the conclusion that im failing CAT this term???
I mean it's just trials??
CAT the practical ? Hate it especially excel ??
Excel killed??
I wrote theory and I only had an hour to study the year's work?
Sorry ? Hope you aced ? them thou
That's how hectic it was ?
I wrote 2 papers today??
A girl can try though ??
My brain is fried after today??
Nxaw ? Really... ?
There is no way I'll be able to figure out hwo you are?
Oh this is so tense now ???
#when you can't think of any clues because it'll give you away ?
It's fine...we shall leave this completely anonymous?
Ayh Ayh what kind clue now ?
Noo not a clue ?
Give me something bruhhh?
Yeah don't we all go a lil mystical from time to time ✨??
Give it a shot ???
Wait is that a clue?
Uhm uhm do you believe in wishes ? or something magical ✨ Lol it might just work ?
Someone is going all mystical??
Nxaawww don't be fail?
Nope I don't think so ??
Then how will I be able to figure out such so easily?
Ayh kassam if I do that you'll find out immediately ?? like bam ? ya know
Wait have I spoken to you anywhere else besides qooh??
Hmm ?Then we will have to come up with something else ?? lets put on our thinking hats ?
Give me the first letter of your name amd surname?
Hmm ?Then we will have to come up with something else ?? lets put on our thinking hats ?
Give me the first letter of your name amd surname?
I was thinking months or even years ya know ??
What even?
I don't have that kind of patience?
Uhm uhm yeah that's a huge problem ? lol get back to me in a few... *cant think of a unit of measurement* ???
I have given you 6 hours??
What's the unit of measurement??
Aww man I'm like soo tempted to tell you who I am ? A lil clew though some syllables in you're name are very similar to mine ?
Duuuddeeee how the heck am I supposes to figure that out...the only part I can think if is the Aa part?
Aku_7 replied
2743 days ago
Twinssiieeeessss Yay ???
Uh uh I see ?(I completely gets you Aku)
You seeeeeeeee
You know my nickname
Isn't it fair that I know yours?
Soo that makes us twinsies ? I'll take the 50/50 ??
Ya coz I take the other half of the meanesssnesss (wtf Aku)