Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I hated primary school
Your ugly and adopted xx
No comment. Long story
Although me and Sarah are quite well
We hadnt every met each other.
She ran up to me
Screamed "Where do I know you from?!?"
We both spread our legs in front of forest hill into a lunge and started brainstorming where we saw each other. We gave up 30 minutes later and she asked "wanna go for a mix?
I have a million different girls that hide under my bed,
If you are a close friend. Just tell me?!?!? I will never judge you. Or freak out or get angry. If anything it'll give us something more to talk about. If your not one of my friend tell me anyways!! And who knows you might be my best friend later ❤️
Good question. Really makes you think. We're they born blind, going blind or turned blind. Those who turned blind. Who knows maybe they recall memories. For those born blind. I'm curious. Really curious.
Yes I am bi$exual :) problem?
:( inbox me? please
quoting the beautiful joker <3 "Im not going to kill you. Im just going to hurt you. Really. Really bad" lots of love xx
No, the dumbest thing a person could do is to send a message accusing someone of stupidity and use phrases such as, "the most dumbest," which is very poor english. Starting a sentence with And also shows your lack of english ability and your general lack of an intelligence that exceeds a chihuahua's.
Russian designed cleaver
From what I know of love? I believe so
That me and him have been flirting. He is dating a very close friend of mine. And I never cross that line between friend. Just like I hope they would do the same for me. So to the rumours? Utter bullsht and whoever had the time to spread them. Are fcking pathetic
What does it matter to you?
Yes. Very much so.
He cheated on me *slept with* my best friend, and two close friends. real charmer..
Certainly not
Hehe I'm so horrible with replying... Soz...
Who? I'm so confused
Well if a wood chuck could chuck wood then he would chuck as much chuck as a wood chuck should
Another charming question about my past relations
Ooooo tough question... Hmmmm no comment x lov you baby x
Haha inbox me then :) but I'd prefer you didn't call me cutie
Isn't this a gorgeous question?? Well done to our generation :)
Hahahhahahahahhahhahahahahh oh I could name so many people
Involving myself with who? I only keep in touch with very minimal amounts of people and they seem quite fine with it ☺️ And I don't hurt people who don't deserve it so yea :) xx
Reggae ball by milky chance
I miss avila so much. you may not believe it but even though i am more then happy at my new school i will never forget all my amazing, caring and loving friends from avila x
yes i do. i know many
One. he has a name and that is Chris. Two. no we have decided to go back to being friends.
depends on who is asking option A, Forest hill - I have been very ill for the last few weeks and found it hard to come to school at all option B, Avila - I fortunately no longer go to that school
Because i've wanted to leave since first day year 7 and to get into a better environment to work in and make friends.
cute :) feel free to ask one of my most trusted friends on facebook :) Miriam Mitchell-Youkhana.
"Screw you guys im going home"
Forest Hill College <3
I'm not on her phone, she mentioned the messages and since they were so heavily focused upon me I asked if she would mind if I responded to them. Don't assume things, you'll only make yourself look like a fool.
I want to know who this is right now.
Every girl should be made to feel like a princess by her spouse. I feel sorry for you not experiencing this and therefore misunderstanding the little bits of information you receive
She's taken. Go away or come discuss it with me her boyfriend. Chris Griff - facebook.
My facebook is Chris Griff if you wish to proposition me for *ex go ahead but do not anonymously ask Alana.
This is Chris speaking, I would love to know who it is that believes I am so shallow that I would only be dating Alana for her looks. If you have the guts to, message me and discuss it with me because this is nothing more than cowardice.
Am I ever what? Sassy? All the damn time :)
I'm sorry.. I havnt had internet most of the holiday and for any times in the past I will try to respond more often
Mrs beary.
The monkey bars St Thomas got rid of that were ace <3
That is still unsure. if i dont end up going to Avila for a term next year until i get into blackburn i will be going to a different high school for half the year
Better then i did 2013 :)
someone with too much confidence or "ego"
hmmm..... why make me chose? i cant to be honest... sorry.. Love them all <3
Individuality <3
septum piercing, Lip ring/Stud, really messy hair, Likes the bands i like, is himself, isnt afraid to break the rules, adrenalin junkie, Horror movie fan, attractive and someone who can make me laugh. Enough description for you?
This was asked a month ago... may bad.... Soz.... ILY!
Shez such a babe and i love her to pieces :P full of giggles and smiles :D
Dad's place?
Peaches :)
Love you too x
CPL Ryan and CPL Webb (love you guys)
no ones made me genuinely smile and laugh like he does :) he makes me so happy
That im tall :)
No. There is no point in being heartbroken in high school :)
I liked a guy who was really sweet, made me smile and laugh, then he turned into something that he wasn't... we don't talk any more (if you see this, don't change for anyone or anything, be yourself, people will love you a whole lot more)
If any one friend it would be Elizabeth <3
i remember dreaming that i was at a sleep over, ate too much sweets, went into a food coma then woke up in the middle of the night wondering what the **** that was all about.....
I havnt been there long and don't know them all but from what I've experienced with them they are great guys and girls who make cadets that extra bit exciting and funny :) I look up to them as leaders and if I am ever promoted I could only hope to be like them <3 thanks guys :D
Mono tone or if they don't have a sense of humour
Im guessing u mean mia Silich :P Well. Mia is a free mind with nothing holding her back. i love the way she reacts when passing Heyington station and will neva forget the combat we have fought in the year 9 corridor. i cant believe i have only known her this year :) shes funny, can scare the **** out of me and converted me to a new, improved, 100000% better music taste and love her every moment for that :)
Lizi baby!
She is a beautiful chick with a bright, bubbly and offensive (which is why I love her) personality who always manages I make me laugh no matter how bad my day has been
1. I hate you. 2. friends chosen from Avila - Jemima S, Mia S, and Tynah P. 3. outside of Avila - Chris, Elizabeth and Bree :)
Yes I have............................................... Long story
I dont know Svet very well but what i know of she is an amazing friend towards her friends and peers, she is beautiful and i hope i can get to know her better myself
she's a stunning girl and has an amazing taste in music! i love her to pieces and since i have only been friends with her this year i have no idea how i wasn't friends with her earlier. she has been so much help in my life and i can only hope to do the same for her. I am so lucky to be her friend
i dont have one. it changes. at the moment its Situations by Escape the Fate
Oh really?? is that so??? u think that??? show me this proof in person...
That red heads have no soul
Hahahahaha we are just messing around :P it's so much fun throwing each other across the year level :P
It's not nice to lie
Restraining from punching someone right in the face when i really want to i guess ;)
no one at the moment
Hmmmmmmmm, how about no?
Hahahahaha just be yourself. Flirt a little and be your true self ;) for more pointers come talk to me :)
Naw come and talk to me! I'm always open for new friends
She is my bub and I lov her x
Maybe I will maybe I won't ;)
Love them all equally xx great guys
hmmmm. cant say ive noticed him before :P Ill keep my eye out
Clearly bigger than your IQ