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Alana Divens


Ask me anything you like anonymously

114 Replies

What's your most memorable experience from primary school?

I hated primary school

Alanadivens replied 2905 days ago

Hahahaha that question about how did you meet your best friend wasn't even from me Alana (princess antichrist) naww im all warm and fuzzy inside

Your ugly and adopted xx

Alanadivens replied 3045 days ago

Slap that A$$ and eat that skeet. All dat skeet skeet skeet from the windowwwwww to walls lick that skeet up off Ma balls.


Alanadivens replied 3045 days ago

What's your number


Alanadivens replied 3045 days ago

Why don't you go to school anymore? How's princess? is she ok?

No comment. Long story
Although me and Sarah are quite well

Alanadivens replied 3045 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

We hadnt every met each other.
She ran up to me
Screamed "Where do I know you from?!?"
We both spread our legs in front of forest hill into a lunge and started brainstorming where we saw each other. We gave up 30 minutes later and she asked "wanna go for a mix?

Alanadivens replied 3046 days ago

What's under your bed?

I have a million different girls that hide under my bed,

Alanadivens replied 3487 days ago

What if the one person who could make you truly happy was the person you never gave the chance to.

If you are a close friend. Just tell me?!?!? I will never judge you. Or freak out or get angry. If anything it'll give us something more to talk about. If your not one of my friend tell me anyways!! And who knows you might be my best friend later ❤️

Alanadivens replied 3487 days ago

I got a question, can blind people see in their dreams

Good question. Really makes you think. We're they born blind, going blind or turned blind. Those who turned blind. Who knows maybe they recall memories. For those born blind. I'm curious. Really curious.

Alanadivens replied 3487 days ago

Is it true your bi$exual

Yes I am bi$exual :) problem?

Alanadivens replied 3487 days ago

I miss you sometimes.

:( inbox me? please

Alanadivens replied 3520 days ago

if someone did something super bad to you. and i mean SUPER HORRIBLE. what would you do?

quoting the beautiful joker <3 "Im not going to kill you. Im just going to hurt you. Really. Really bad" lots of love xx

Alanadivens replied 3520 days ago

Why would you hurt people that have hurt you? Honestly. I think thats the most dumbest thing a person could do. Shows weakness and lets them know they have gotten to you. And plus it isn't worth it. It's low and stupid.

No, the dumbest thing a person could do is to send a message accusing someone of stupidity and use phrases such as, "the most dumbest," which is very poor english. Starting a sentence with And also shows your lack of english ability and your general lack of an intelligence that exceeds a chihuahua's.

Alanadivens replied 3522 days ago

Your favourite weapon/s?

Russian designed cleaver

Alanadivens replied 3529 days ago

Are you in love?

From what I know of love? I believe so

Alanadivens replied 3529 days ago