Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
You're actually a psycho.
7 questions in 15 minutes, you've hit another level of crazy bruh. Give it up lol
Not as much as I like you xxx
You also forgot to slam your head in a car door. Or maybe you didn't forget and that's why you're stupid enough to think sending my this trash will work! Good for you! You're probably due for another though so run off to your little red sht box and give it a real good slam for me xxxxx
Ah yes. I saw her the other day. We walked our pet unicorns on mars. Also in this alternate universe of things that would never happen, Im a ten foot tall squid that plays the bagpipes and my ex girlfriend and her little friends aren't fcking psycho hahahahahahahahahaha fck off
Aren't you more interested in what I think of you?
Bae goals ?
Love that girl. Absolute ledge. Cant wait to be able to hang out with her all the time soon!
What in the world has given you the notion that Im in love with Alex??
I value too many people to just name ten. But if this is the same person asking me the same kind of questions why don't you just ask me what I think of you and you'll get an answer?
First of all, don't ever patronise someone for having a mental illness. You're despicable and its people like you that make the world grey.
And yeah, of course people shaped me. In many different ways. And I'm grateful for every single one of them.
Because you grow from things that have happened to you, and I think I've grown a lot from where was in the beginning to where I am now.
I emphasise that it gets better. The things I post tell people that there is hope. There's so many people out there suffering in silence and I want them to know they aren't alone.
With whom?
Deciding that life is a lot more fun when you don't give a sht about what anyone thinks of you ✌
My thoughts go out to all my lil homies doing exams right now. Special shout out to Michael and Zia, you guys are gonna smash it. But good luck to everyone and I'll always be proud of you all ?
New number who dis?
I'm going to be 100% honest here. One of the best thing that has happened to me is having a severe mental illness but never giving up and finally coming out on top. I still have bad days, sometimes weeks. But I will never not be proud of who I have become despite it all.
He's an absolute lad and I love the loser to pieces. One of my number one homies for eva xx
Him * Jesus is the bomb
Most boys are nice til you tell them you don't want to have $ex with them.
Um idk actually. Probably Britt, been ages since we caught up
Jasmin, homies 4 life ✌
As do you wonderful human ?
Indulging my teenage self ?
There's only up from here right?
Thank you so much, this means so much more then you know. <3
If i stay; book was so much better!
Lots of nice little thoughtful gifts :)
But don't we look cute
hahahahahahahahaha. you poor soul
Doing something spontaneous and exciting and enjoying the moment with the people I love
Alex oops
Thigh high socks forever
God I hope so can't wait for everyone to see the real me xxx
Relationship 4evs
God this is not a question to ask me....
So does jesus
I don't hate you man, you were just overwhelming in regards with your attempts of trying to fix me
Puppy carer eeeee
Tell me who you are and I'll let you know!
No one, if I'm not friends with someone there's usually a reason for it. People who keep inboxing me but I don't reply. pls get the hint xxx
Aw thank you love! xx
My sister Vess, who lives forever away and it makes me cry.
Hahahahahaha this is such a loaded question. I'm quite happy with my girlfriend Alex actually, so I have no interest in going back to anyone.
Dylan Lee, look him up.
Aw who is this? You little cutie, thank you :$ xx
Are you always so ****ing pineapple?
Amsterdam <3
There are so many things, and I can't fathom them into a list; I'm sorry. But god, do I love her.
Jenna Marbles
Thank youuuu. cbjkegf Alex tho x
I feel like she could answer that better then me haha
A sheep baa'ing lel
djkguherysjfhwe All the love to you <3
omg I have had the worst freaking day and you are soso lovely thank you
My black milk <3
Obviously you have a very restricted thought process haha
It's not something that's easily explained.
It's more complicated then it seems
And you are so nice aw
Baths are weird because your kin of laying in your own ickyness
If you bring me pancakes
more the jelly kind lel
Michaela is wonderful aw boo xx
Do you like cheese? My favourites guda
My family right now actually
I find excessive amounts of people in my life annoying actually haha
uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably Alex lel
Do you watch Jenna Marbles?
Because the hospy is boring yo
o. m. g. look at her butt
She's pretty cool beans. I've known her since we were like 11 and she seems to have grown up into a pretty good person and you can't really ask for more then that