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Aleshia Kerton


amuse or abuse.

1.1k Replies

You have such a perfect body holy

haha awh

AleshiaKerton replied 3308 days ago

Thoughts on Me? beccamccarthy

such a nice girl, always have a smile on your face. you're personality is beautiful, you're so gorgeous, love you always

AleshiaKerton replied 3308 days ago 1

What do you dislike about me be honest xx Erynn.Miles

I'm not sure, never really thought about it. don't think I dislike anything about you xx

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago

Love you beautiful x Tyanne556

love you too pretty x

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago

Please be mine omg

nah, I'm perfectly happy with the boy I have now

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago

Long thoughts please xx Tyanne556

you're like one of my favourites even though we hardly know each other. you're so gorgeous, and funny as! So good to talk too, see you around school heaps. should hang out and get to know each other better xx

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago

don't listen to that fùcktard, always here for you. x ❤ yamumbuddyf

thankyou Paige xx

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago 1

dear useless Anon down below... **** off and get a ****ing life you dumb ****, people like you piss me off, I bet you want her to die because you're jealous of beautiful people aye!?**** you,
Love you aleshia <3 AndieAndAndy

aw baby, thanks heaps! I love you ❤

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago 2

Go kill yourself

go fûck yourself.

AleshiaKerton replied 3310 days ago

what's your snap chat


AleshiaKerton replied 3311 days ago

In my eyes, you're ****ing gorgeous


AleshiaKerton replied 3312 days ago

stop telling Aleshia to go kill herself you cùnt, she doesn't deserve this, not now not ever. Quit being a pùssy and take anonymous off. You're nothing but a bully that'll get nowhere in life, so stop being a low as* cùnt. Hope you're okay Aleshia. x ❤ yamumbuddyf


AleshiaKerton replied 3312 days ago 2

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?


AleshiaKerton replied 3313 days ago 1


I'd rather not

AleshiaKerton replied 3313 days ago

Will you go out with me


AleshiaKerton replied 3314 days ago