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ask me anything & ill answer truthfully:*

1k Replies

Sorry to bring up Quentin but he does really seem like an as*.

He was the sweetest guy but he let his anger control him.. He's telling everyone everything I've done & he's making himself look like some angel.. But Idfc he's over me &he's happy now so I guess that's all that matters

Alex.Quint replied 3800 days ago

If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?

My feelings for him

Alex.Quint replied 3801 days ago 1

Your so low. Omg. Like its not even funny.

I'm low. You're the one sending me hate on anonymous.

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago 1

Wheel or pass
Austin p
Engjell q
Daniel o
Sokol q
Liam k

Pass all

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

This Is making me mad, people should mind there own business you guys don't know why they broke up and it wasn't why you think or heard. Just **** off honestly Dommmyy

Thank yoou

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

No **** quentin moved on so fast, all your doing is ruining his life now you *****.

I'm glad he moved on. F.uck him.

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

Stop being such a *****. You keep saying **** about Quentin. Jst leave him alone, and get out of his life.

I am trying to get our of his damn life but he keeps sending hate , like f.uck.

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

Quentin already moved on? Wtf?

Yeah (:

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

alex yeah thats a guys name chirpschirps123

It's unis.ex looooolll

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

so you mean you wanted to break up with him a long time ago but you didn't?

More like I couldn't

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago 1

omfg I hate how quentin keeps says that your hurt him!!! like I bet he hurt you as well, you both got hurt from this break up, but I hate how he's trying to get people to have pity on him -_-

OMFG thank you. Nobody even realizes why I broke up with him. Ladies if your reading this & you're interested in him, prepare to get controlled & manipulated.

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

Your facebook still says in a relationship?

Whoops, gotta change that

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago 1

I dont actually...


Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

even if it is, you dont have to spread it around.... quentingene

Says you omfg.

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago

Can you honestly stop ****ing spreading **** about me. Like ****. quentingene

How is it spreading about you if it's true?

Alex.Quint replied 3803 days ago 1