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Alex Seizes


Ask me anything you like anonymously

84 Replies

thoughts on renee huang and olivia morgan?

Renee: one of my closest friends she's so nice and sweet and funny and I love her
Olivia: she is nice and pretty I don't know her that well and yeahr

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Don't let the haters get to you.

Dw I'm not

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Why would people call you gay, if you don't act like one? It's logic, idiot.


Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

thoughts on simon s

Nice kid really funny and cool :)

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

are you gay? answer honestly. You act like it you poof

No I am not gay not do I act it...

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

who do you like?

You... Naah that's for me and her to know when I tell her.

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Errr why are you friends with Renee and Nina if they give you so much shi* and attitude wow good friends they are...

Um I don't know maybe there in a bad mood?

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Your amazing <3 Dont let the haters get you down

Thank you anon you too <3

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

alex ur such a cutie don't let the idiots bring you down :) xo <3

Aww whose this

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago 1

thoughts on krystal la xoxo

Nice and good at singing

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

You sure you're not like gay or bi or some shi*?, you sure act it

I'm positive I know my se*uality I've never looked at a guy or liked a guy or been interested in a guy nor have I ever tried I don't act gay... Who are you get off my qooh

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Describe yourself in 727819294883819929;99;@;@@2&/$$2727277271772737738383 words?

Um I don't know if I have enough time to do that

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

How far have you gone


Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Your perfect <3

Cheers <3

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago

Why do people think your gay lol are they blind your as straight as a pole dumb f***s :)

Dunno there stupid

Alex_Seizes replied 4500 days ago