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Being good at stuff
Anything that I take an interest in
When they try to force their opinion on others or when they believe that their opinion is more just and correct than someone else's. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is free to believe what they wish, but when you start to hurt or harass others because they don't see the same way it's just wrong
To have been gifted an amazing family and amazing friends
No ?
Not going to vball. No body loves me ??
Buying things that you want in that moment. I believe that if you really want something you should plan how you are going to afford it and how it fits into your budget for a while before buying it
Fam and boet ?
A lot of people actually. There's only a few I wouldn't take it for ?
Don't be scared. You can't live life in fear, otherwise you'll never experience the finer things. I'm justly hard on myself, if you wanna talk go ahead, dm me ?
Only time can tell
To stop messing everything up
Wouldn't you like to know ??
Becoming Pipe Major ? (that means I'm the captain of the Pipe Band)