Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Yeah but not intrested sorry
Yeah it was crazy...
What measure thing?
im not sure but thank you sm LOVE//
What? Yeah I like softball ig
I am not but thanks for asking ML xoxo?
Thanks sm ML?
That's sweet ily too xoxo thanks
Thanks sm ly
Idk who u are....(no)
No just stop.
Yes just a couple of stiches and brusis but all is ok! Thanks sm?
Idk I just am?and thank you!!
Ik this isn't Xavier so please stop
Idk when but I fractured my right wrist by falling off my horse
Mmk...some criticism is to learn your Vocabulary and better next time steps is to study so you can spell it all right. But thanks for trying man!!!?
There's this movie called REDRUM. it's so scary you should watch it!!!
I dont feel comftorable sharing that sorry..
Bc i am one?
The feeling when you step in the wring and you here the buzzer, and the crowd so loud you cant even here your horse???
I dont like anyone?
Um..idk i never tried them
My plans are to set lots of goals this year and accomplish all of them! I hope i vistit with my best friend and continue winning Rodeos with my wonderful horses. Follow me in insta @alexis_gattuso
About 4-5 years ago
When someone asks me that im not sure how to respond but if you read my name and follow me on instagram at @alexis_gattuso maybe you'll find out
The worst desicion i have ever made was going out with my ex. I liked him it was just after we broke up a lot of people started talking about it and it was awful
I plead the fifth and i like my dog more than any of them, actually i like him more than anyone!
For soccer? Thanks!
Means i really dont care about what he does with his life..
thanks im sure your pretty too!
I like Blue!
thank you so much im sure you are too!
Dang well my last relationship taught me a lot of things it taught me to pay more attention to other things than to be so caught up in my relationship. Im going to use the name Casper he was amazing and than one day i told him i loved him and ig he took it well than after a while i started texting him a lot and that was a problem ig i cat fished hima dn some other things and i realized he was trying to hang with family but i kept texting him. So we broke up after a huge fight and now we moved on its still hard seeing his face everyday but i got over it but i guess im never gonna do those things again/////
Dm?? @alexis_gattuso on instagran
Nobody? why?
you too!!
The longest running lie i have told was when me and my friends were Lyric pranking someone and they thought i liked them the whole school year!!
Yes i do i mean i guess it really depends who it is, but everyone i have met i truly care about even if there is a Conflict between us.
Riding horses and playing soccer?
No not really..i used to but i got over it.
Fighting with my ex
I can ride but my horses are in Texas and i cant ride a damn colt thats only 4 months old. Idk who u are and i really dont care about what sht you say. ?
yes because i totally know who you are. I told you if he liked me i hope he would tell me and if this is vance i want to really know its u! Till than im not believing anything i hear. :)
very less likely he does..... Srry but i as much as i care about the rumors at school its not true and if it was i want too hear it from him not other people.
Who likes me?
She does not look cocky shes very pretty lookd very strong and powerful. I wana guess she is very unique by the way she looks
Yes i do like vance and ik it was pretty stupid telling luke about my crush. (my bad)
man um well my old ex im not really sure what i did to make him break up with me i really dont care about that. My relationship with friends idk we can do many things to make are friends not like us:(
Yeah i think we are?
Probley not...i might or might not know u but till then no.
I think people like me because im pretty nice to them if they dont piss me off but otherwise im pretty good to people. And i think people hate me because they probley did something that i dont like and i tell them and apparently it turns in to a war between us. (In some cases)
Idk who you are but im not sure y u hate me so please tell me why! Thanks?
Find my horse and hang with her all day till i die?
12 going to be 13 on october 6th.
Letting someone i really like slip out of my hands??