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In my church there is a statue if Jesus but his hand is broken off. This must be the work of a Satan worshipper like yourself, and I don't like people that break statues.
Because you are a silly billy
Princess Mary of Denmark
Anything ^0 The colour of your eyes (unless they are **** brown colour, that's not nice)
Not you (Maybe you. But you're not Lucy)
No, but you do
A bit
Okay, cool
Thanks :) yes and I\'ve already answered that
I\'ve like kissed him I guess
Would it just be easier if he got his own
I\'ve had about six of these messages! Can you guys be anymore creative?
I don\'t know. He if punched a turtle in the mouth tomorrow that would be it (hint: Jem, don\'t punch turtles in the mouth), but it\'s the future, I cannot accurately predict anything. I may be run over by a bus tomorrow and where we are now would be as far as we went. I\'m also 15, so I personally think I\'m still a bit young to be doing anything that involves a ;) as a description (and its probs not legal)
I'd go about 200 miles, any further would be tiresome
I don't think he has a donkey, I'll check tomorrow
I highly doubt you are the only one in the world without a My dog hasn't got one
I try but it just keeps flopping down! Will you go halves with me in a personal fan for his hair?
Because I wanted to see what questions I would get