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Ask me anything you like anonymously

107 Replies

Your current bank balance ?

depressing.... like literally 3 cents

Alice_Bro replied 3153 days ago

Q26. The moot?

The Moot is a Rover event that is happening in Victoria in december/january 2016/17 and it is basically jamboree but for over 18's so we have parties and we each do expeditions for about a week and depending which expedition depends what you do. I am doing focus and capture so I will be learning how to use my camera and will be taking photos and such

Alice_Bro replied 3183 days ago

Is your head cold now you shaved it?

it definitely was when i first did it, but since my hair has grown back a fair bit, it isnt as much :)

Alice_Bro replied 3183 days ago

i want to say stuff to you but i kinda dont know how and i am not going to use Qooh me to ask you stuff cozz there inportent stuff.

Just ask away! No need to be afraid or anything :)

Alice_Bro replied 3184 days ago

Is your tomato sauce in the fridge or the pantry?


Alice_Bro replied 3184 days ago

Steak or Pasta?

I love my pasta....

Alice_Bro replied 3184 days ago



Alice_Bro replied 3184 days ago

Q whatever: Best thing about the rain - Worst thing about the rain.

Best thing: the smell and freshness it brings, worst: constant worry when camping about your stuff/bedding getting wet

Alice_Bro replied 3214 days ago

I've just finished a big assigment and now i feel kinda lost and empty.

Assuming you have no other major assignments or anything you should move onto now, you should take the time to relax, watch a new tv show you have been meaning to watch, start up a new hobbie something else to take up your time :)

Alice_Bro replied 3264 days ago

Should of stayed at at surfmooo t

I know! I'm sooorrrryyyy ? I wish I could have stayed

Alice_Bro replied 3271 days ago

Q8. The hobbit or the lord of the rings?

lord of the rings because I remember it more than the hobbit

Alice_Bro replied 3271 days ago

I assume you meant ice-cream cake. But yes; that is the question that keeps me awake at night.

I'll give you another hint. We haven't seen eachother in aaaaagesssssss.

Q7. Best game on the N64?

Yes ice cream cake is what I meant....

Growing up my favourite games were mario kart, mario party and Pokemon stadium 2, but I might have to go with Pokemon stadium 2 because we didn't own it and borrowed it from someone so I never got to play it as much as the others so it is special

Alice_Bro replied 3277 days ago

Q6. Cake or Ice-cream?

does ice cream count as cake, or ice cream?

Alice_Bro replied 3280 days ago

A2. To be fair, am I not the questioner and you the answerer? This seems a little mixed up!
Q5. If you could wake up anywhere on earth tomorrow, where would you wake up?

Haha yes just a little mix up :p
A5. I would go North Western Europe, maybe France Germany or Holland perhaps

Alice_Bro replied 3284 days ago

A1: Well now that would be cheating wouldn't it? I'll give you a hint though: We fell asleep together once.

Also I'm surprised no one hijacked my questions/answers while I've been away xD

Yes it was very quiet on here.... Glad you are back though!
aso I do not think it's cheating, not answering is cheating....

Alice_Bro replied 3284 days ago