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They cheated.
Loved and trusted the wrong people
Hey bro just going to a fashion show and visiting friends in hospital :)
Cos she\'s an amazing person, great to talk to, I lover her sarcasm, she\'s always there for me with my stupid drama stories, she raps to drake and kendrick lamar like a mofo and she\'s just FUNNY!
Dude no!!! :D those things are hard :/
Awwww TK! You\'re such an angel! Gods little blessing to me you\'re so sweet and kind hun x I\'ll always be there for you no matter what. Lots of love and God bless x
Thank you so much for whoever this is. I\'m always willing to help a friend in need. Hmmm and for breakfast I usually like to eat muffins (preferably banana or bran) or eggs and bacon and on occasion serial (milo)
Hank you :) that\'s right! f*** them! :D
Haha I\'m not sure go take a look :p
Hahaha jords I have to love you xxx what would I do without a friend like you. Much love hunny xx
Its not ego, its confidence :) there\'s a fine line and if people don\'t understand it then that is that my concern
No I do not but thank you so much for the compliment. Made my day x
That\'s such a hectic question. To be honest, I just got hurt so right now I don\'t like anyone but if they\'re willing to prove how much they want me then I can freely like them back. Hope that helps
I am currently confused about that question