Thoughts on Jamie king
don't know her that well, she's good girl and pretty straight forward person and kind-hearted .
Did ya **** her real good or nahh
Thoughts on Deekay?
Good friend good to kb with
Danny mature? HAHAHAHA wtf.. Think he's the most immature guy I've met.
Thoughts on danny afsahr
Good guy , helpful and mature
You say you find girls with no brain unattractive yet you were with aylin
I never went out with Aylin , awks
*exbomb, *exbomb, your my *exbomb. ill give it to you when i need to come along. *exbomb, *exbomb
you know exactly who i am *exy :P
I actually don't
Do you pick up girls who go springvale shisha?
TRD stands for Toyota Racing Development. Just to give you a heads up
You effed Aylin dayum ;) thought she was virgin lul
No I didn't lol
What do you find unattractive about a girl?
A girl with no brain
Do you talk to heaps of girls or do you prefer talking to one more than the others?
I just talk to one girl that's all
Would you ever date an animal if there were no humans left on earth except you?
Date? No but I would look after it
Would you prefer to have silent but smelly farts or loud and not smelly farts?
No farts pls
On a scale of one to ten how *exy do you think you are?
You tell me
This aylin chick is never leaving your life bro everyone keeps going on about her lol
Yeah no ****
did you used to date aylin?
How much did you buy your skyline ?
Do you have a gf???!
Nope and Single till I die :)
Is 86 your car?
It's my mums , I'm buying BMW Z4 soon tho
I'm a Aussie lad
i miss u and aylin being a couple :( dw dont have to comment
Yeah nah
do u go hallam anymore
I do
your first crush?
Don't remember
What if somone doesn't love you back?
You nicks brothers a bodybuilder hahahahah ;)
Haha nice joke
caitlyn said u have a small d
She said you c.ummed in 30seconds
The best movie so far in 2014?
Lol let nick and jazz be
Diz nuts?
Who do you miss right now?
No one
I swear you hated the afshars
Haha hate to love is just one step
You think your son zyzz god, you'll never live up to his expectations c u n t
You high nigg.a? Dw I'm still better than you
We should talk more
Inbox :)
Why do you dog some though
They deserve it
Aylin likes u bro
I like her too
why do you dog girls
I just dog some girls not all
Smoke weed errrday nigggga ;)
All day everrryday
Oh I heard you s*cked his ****
Everyone been saying it
What di.ck lollll
Why do you hangout with nick?
He's my friend that's why
Your father's name?
Who was your last kiss
Why do you hang around with Adamtun! ?
He's a good friend of mine
Do you have feelinsgs for anyone
Nope not atm
describe the perfect girl
Loyal, Kind, nice personality, good body and fair looks :)
What language you speak at home ?
Did u ask askin about the dokhtar e sag aka kussi faysba
No no go away
thoughts on talia milverton and codie vigliarolo
Talia: good personality and good to chill with x :)
Codie: little f**g.ot sometimes but yeah she's a cutie pie
Ask askhin he knows dokhter e sag. He ****ed her and rape her no joke askhik knows that kussi f** fayshe go ask him or show him dis
What d.rugs are you on?
heard the girl lost her virginity to u
What year are you in and what you studying ?
Year11, vce
How come you hang out with afghans if you're not afghan ?
i hang out with whoever i want
Does this Aylin girl still like u
does she?
I saw u hooking up with Rabiye down at the beach lol cuties, would u ever have a thing with her?
hmm nope
Thought on Doktare e sag?
who the **** is that
Your source of happiness?
Healthy Nd built ;)
But what if she still wants u? Like shes dying to get nack with u? And shes cutting herslef
i dont know tbh maybe i guess if im not seeing anyone
If any of urs exs still wants u back? Would u still date her?
nah just like we dont like to wear old clothes.
How old ru?
18 in 2months
Hmm are you part of indian decent or?
R u proud to be muslkm? To be follow da relogion much or?
im pround and not really.
whats up with aylin?
Nothing, we ended ages ago
Ever s*cked nicks ****?
Ur mum s.ucked him off
say vallah what area?
Hwo long u been in aus for?
Who makes you happy?
My left hand
Ur not turk? U dnt even llool turk us ur name doesnt sound turk? Turk names r not full on ozkan hakan and **** lol
I'm uygur I'm the dad of Turks hahaha
ever dated a maori girl?
Who's your best mate
There are a lot, Ashkin hamid nick Ali and more
Amongst people you know ,who has the most annoying laugh?
Caitlyn LOL
Do U want fun time with me
Do u
Whats ur nationality ?
Hahah bro tell these puftas to say these shyts to your face !
****s* yeah if they have the balls to
you're soo cute azizam
Good night thx
The greatest moment in your life ?
Smoking weed while ****ing a girll
el oh el you think you're a good Muslim? ***** please, if you were such a good Muslim you wouldn't go around ****ing girls lives. homo*exuality is also haram,
youre really ugly and have a **** personality dont know why you think your so great LMAO
home*exual???? ***** what are you on? i ****ed your mum and she gave birth to you so say thank you dumb s.l.u.t.
would you care about the nationality of your girlfriend, if you had one ?
Nah I don't
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Don't have a gf
What would you like to ask God?