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Love me or Hate me

43 Replies



Ally19010101 replied 2915 days ago

Everyone fcking leave ally alone!!! What's your problem, what have you achieved by Making others feel like sht.! No one deserves to be told to kill themselves!! I wouldn't wish suicide upon my worst enemy!!! fck off you losers :((

Thanks Jayde xx❤️ This means a lot

Ally19010101 replied 2917 days ago

Chec out @someblondechic on qooh, shes a really nice friend you seem like you need one ?


Ally19010101 replied 2917 days ago

Please kill yourself, I'm begging you


Ally19010101 replied 2917 days ago

Hey, everyone needs to leave ally alone, I don't know here but I'm sure she hasn't done anything so horrible to deserve what people are saying about her, so stop

Thank you so much, dm on Instagram

Ally19010101 replied 2917 days ago

Ugly fck

I know I am?

Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

You are as ugly as a blobfish

I find them kinda cute

Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

Ugly *****

Ok what have I done to you. Yes I know I can be a btch at times but that's only when people are either horrible to me first or I'm joking around with people.

Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

Your a skank

I know you are

Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

Can you just give up on life please you don't deserve anything


Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

Hey look I do t know you very well but u think you seem so nice and really don't deserve any of the sht people are saying, stay strong xx

Thanks xx, dm me

Ally19010101 replied 2918 days ago

I feel sorry for kincade having to live with you .But you should be greatful to have him and not use him. And he hates you btw

First of all I don't use him and second of all leave him out of this he's done nothing so leave him out of this btch

Ally19010101 replied 2919 days ago

Dumb ****

What ever you say

Ally19010101 replied 2919 days ago

kill yourself

One day....

Ally19010101 replied 2919 days ago

You should kill yourself it never gets better

Sure what ever you say

Ally19010101 replied 2919 days ago