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My strange A$$ life
I’m glad you think that this will hurt me. But don’t come hating on me because I’m not perfect nobody is and if you want to hate on me well that’s fine you just got to realize I really don’t care what you think, because I like who I am and I’ve accepted how I look and I’m sorry that you want try to put me down, There will be haters and guess what that’s life so at the moment you’re a hater and whoever you are just know there will always be a person that you can’t please. And finally why would my best friend talk about me behind my back when I’m with her most of the time, there’s only two people that we told what TSFL means and one doesn’t know what this is neither has Instagram and the other is the coward hiding behind a screen so I know exactly who you are but I’m not going to name and shame. I’m glad that you decided to tell the world that you think I’m ugly so I suggest you go to a therapist to realize your anger and thanks for joining my Qooh me bye now and I hope you don’t go hating on other people.????????
I think get 93% on a test
My family coz its complicated
I think 6
A good friend
Flick flack
A rubbish personality