Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I\'m truly ♡ i feel so bad
Yea i admire it so much want to frame it in my room :)
I\'m so truly sorry wasn\'t my intention to do so i promise
Thank you so so much ♡ you are truly amazing :) but I\'m not the only pretty/beautiful/gorgeous one you are also all of thee above #stay you
Gee wow that\'s mature
Yea :| and to be honest i dont know why
Thank you ♡ but you don\'t wish you were me I\'m just like you :| you beautiful in your own way :)
Rebecca colby**
Please if you don\'t mind pinging me on BBm so i know who this is even though I\'m sure i love you too :)
Hey sis !!** missed you so much :| so glad i got too see you and spend time with you at bon jovi :) ** too amazing for words:| what white things love you sis **;)
Its Allyx but you were close anyway hey :)
His eyes are mine,can\'t tell you who i like I\'m sorry
Thank you i think that\'s what i say :)
That\'s the problem i don\'t know if he wants me too or not so rather just play it safe
Its was amazing*:| and when you with a special person its never boring
He is good looking and has gorgoues eyes :| and his a amazing person but i can\'t tell you who he is
Hey please ping me on BBm would really appericate it thanks :) Love you too
Who says you need a question:)
Yea his cute ;)
Yea his pretty attractive
Proabably not
I went to watch someone very special too me play cricket
Hey yea was so dissapointed in my school but i warned them about you ;)
Thank you but who says we can\'t be friends
His eyes belong too me and his is pretty awesome :)
Have no idea who this is
So excited i got too see you:) not for long tho:( maybe tomorrow i won\'t i promise they just jealous♡plans soon promise ♡. Soo. love you too two ♡*
I do pay an interest in my friends,I\'m always there for them ,but like you said we haven\'t been friends for a while so why must i have an interest,but you worried about something or you are upset you can always tell me how must i always know when you upset ,if you really worried and what me too help and you wanna talk about this and work it out just let me know on bbm i honestly don\'t mind
Its really thank you,hope schools goood for you too
Yea i was ,but we sorted it out and everything is ok now thank you
I\'am going to pretend i know what that means:)
Thanks need somone like you around right now definitely plans ♡ MISSING YOU too!!! Wouldn\'t be the same without you LOvE YOU way more SIDEKICK #1 ♡ :)
I haven\'t lots interest in them just feels like they don\'t need me anymore. They seem happy but i would be happy to make plans with you if you want just let me know who you are :)
I\'ve lost quite a lot of people why
To be honest i don\'t think i look for attention but if that\'s what you think please go ahead :)
Why not :) i enjoy being different
I\'m not dating any one
Aww thanks my Amercian girl ♡ plans soon xxx