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Alyssa Steyn


Ask away :)

183 Replies

Top 10 guys year 9 looks

I really don't know wow
Not in order
Mitch, Jed, Marcus, James, Riley, Isaak, Jett, Bryce, Cai, Liam idkkkk

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2954 days ago

Top 5 guy friends

Not in order but
Ben, Mitch, Aaron, Noah, Bryce

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2954 days ago

Thoughts -Mitch

So glad we've become friends. Funny as, attractive, really nice. Pretty sure that's still not actually your table :))

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2954 days ago


Ebony - Jai TBH
Shirkeena - Henry or Reighley (idk spelling)
Georgia - IDKKK
Kella - Liam ?
Charlotte - idk x

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2954 days ago 1

What causes you to stay up late?

Homework idk

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2956 days ago

one person in your class you have become really close with this year

Charlie probably. Me and her have gotten so close the last while :)

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2959 days ago

Thoughts xx Abbeyrichmond

Absolutely stunning. You're always there when I need a friend and you can always cheer me up xx going to kiss Russia and Germany with you and the other girls but hopefully we will have another class together next semester xx

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago 1

Favourite meme?

What kind of question is this? There is no such thing. It changes every week

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

Thoughts on Jordan Messina☺️

Big red! Such a good guy. Too tall for my liking but always making me laugh :))

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

Who let the dogs out?

Who who who who

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

Send nudes or nah


Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

If you could turn back time, what day would you go to?

Oh wow that's hard. Probably the day my parents met or if it was in my life maybe the day we moved to Australia TBH

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

What do you want to hate, but can't?

fboys. No matter how much I try to hate them, they still manage to swoop me in :|

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago 1

Thoughts on the Year 10's in your Drama Class, Ismar, Taran, Chanel and Luke?

They're all so talented and I really look up to them. I've become good friends with them and I'm so sad that drama is over :( I'm really gonna miss having class with you all xx

Alyssasteyn_ replied 2960 days ago

Tell Henry Keena misses him and that we should catch up soon at the usual place xx

Let's do it x

Alyssasteyn_ replied 3029 days ago