Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Chereece, steph, Sandra
Sarah and brad Steph and Ahmed
Acts like a stranger these days
That I'm shy and quiet
Hmm... There's lots of people I miss
Yeah it's amanda_kate98 :)
That's nice
Sarah and brad
Okay Michael your not a f** ahahah
Mia she's such an amazing girl trust her with heaps she's a hottie ahah love her
Not sure why don't you ask her
I know you are ahahha
Maybe who is this?
Why don't you inbox me and then I'll decide ahah :)
She's so cute, really nice, not stuck up at all just a easy going person :)
Answering this question
Chereece, Michael, salih, Sarah, Dajana.B
It was alright :)
Used to be really close but don't really speak anymore but such a nice and pretty girl :)
Nice girl good to talk to and be around and she's stunning x
Used to be best friends but feel like we have kind of drifted
Thanks Anon :)
I love food ahaha
shes my bestfriend, shes a gorgeous girl who only deseves the best can trust her with anything
amazing guy, could trust him with anything
thank you :)