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71 Replies

Why do you always ride by yourself if cross country ??

Because I'm taking toffee to pony club and she had to get used to being away from the group :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3761 days ago

who are your two best friends?

Mik and bai xx

Amber.argall12 replied 3761 days ago

Thoughts on Billy Meyland?

Seems nice but don't really know him :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3771 days ago


Hi :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3783 days ago

thoughts on Bree Saxon?

So pretty nice and used to be close miss it and she needs to start horse riding again :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3784 days ago 1

5 closest friends

No order Nikki Paige Hayley Tori Ella Maddi Jaydee 7 but anyway

Amber.argall12 replied 3792 days ago

Who do you miss from your old form ?

Veronica the most probably

Amber.argall12 replied 3806 days ago

amber. you should come and ride my pony

Who's this ? Kik me :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3835 days ago

Thought on Ryan Taylor

One of the nicest people and a good friend

Amber.argall12 replied 3836 days ago

hello there Amber, who do u look up to in life????

Most likely Sarah Davies :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3836 days ago

Thoughts on Jess Provan?

Funniest girl! So pretty and nice :)

Amber.argall12 replied 3913 days ago

Amber you are stunning the person that called you a slu* is just jealous of you and wants to be like you but obviously they can't! xx

Thanks :) inbox me ?

Amber.argall12 replied 3933 days ago

Top 5 closest friends

Chantal Hayley Nikki Paige Veronica

Amber.argall12 replied 3944 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?

At kinder !

Amber.argall12 replied 3952 days ago

ahahahah what the shi* amber is anything but a slu* or a Bit** or any of that ahahahahahahahhaahah Danniiheald

Aww love you Danni

Amber.argall12 replied 3975 days ago