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My haert wz bokn bi jai bruk :'(
You called me a ****head
Rhys is a top bloke
Everyone but Jye Burke
Ily Jye xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoooxoxox
I love you! we need talk more tbh
Thanks :)
np, just doing my best.
Captain America
I don't know.
1. the upper half of my body 2. the bottom half of my bodsy
The canteen lady giving me a judging look I mean. All i got my ice coffee like calm down man.
I don't know. Because I have too?
At the moment I feel like there is no one i can trust, but I do trust Rebecca and Lily the most, friends-wise.
Just as long as its no where near me then. I can't stand seeing stuff to do with choking etc. Like I can't even watch Joffrey death in GoT properly because it makes me feel so ill
Hopefully completely Uni or something of the like, and just having a stable life you know? No crazy bull****
A lot of its very personal reasons but the one thing I will say is, it involves getting away from Warragul/surrounding area
Oh my god Kaitlyn? I didn't even see you I'm so sorry! :(
The thought that some day it'll be better than what it is now, hopefully :)
Thanks Jye haaha xxxxxxx
Idk chokings a little extreme, but thank you friend :) xxx
Thanks! I love all my fans equally : - )
"s*ck ON THAT" *falls backwards into a group of cheering girls*
Hello yes you called?
Gerard Way with choppy red hair
When people are really serious all the time. Like its good to be serious, but its also good to joke around and have a laugh, you know?
This is actually the worst question ever wtf. I applaud anyone who could give this question a proper answer.
I couldn't name it. But these last few weeks I have heard some pretty dumb things.
Are you nasty?
No one :)
Thank you :)
K babe xxx
Sam is a a babe I don't know why people make fun of her, you are all asses.
I've already answered a Mel question :)
Lily is amazing xxx
Zoe is a cool as mofo
Jasmine is the greatest ever x
Jye is a sweetheart
Thanks babe xoxo
Yeah I probably would maybe.
I don't know man. What is it?
No one really I dnt think ill do it
Talk lettuce to me xoxoxoxoxox
We dont talk much (cough) but I heard a rumour that you're a pretty swell chick ;)
Yeah and it s*cks 0/10 do not recommend